A Legal citation is a way of listing of the referenced to items that would be considered an authoritative document and information source, such as a state or federal constitution, a statute (public law), a reported court case, a treatise, or a law review article.
A standard citation includes first the volume number, then the title of the source, (usually abbreviated) and lastly, a page or section number.
IMPORTANT NOTE: This guide is not meant to provide guidance for correct legal citation format; rather, it is a basic guide to understanding the parts of a legal citation and a list of sources for looking up legal abbreviations.
Be sure to follow the rules of your particular court for proper citation format. Court Rules can be viewed in the WestlawNext Patron Access database in the Statutes and Court Rules section.
The following items listed will help you with the sources used in most legal citations so that you can find them in the library catalog.