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  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.
  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.

Only at Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
How to Access:
You must make a reservation to use our Bloomberg Terminals. To make a reservation in advance for up to two hours, please email or call 212-592-7057.


Bloomberg Professional offers financial markets pricing, data, analytics, and news. This service is located at the Library's Thomas Yoseloff Business Center, a generous gift of Bloomberg, L.P. Sign up onsite at the Business Center, or for an advance reservation, sign up through a consultation with a librarian at the Thomas Yoseloff Business Center. Note: Access is for viewing only. Printing, downloading or electronic reproduction of any Bloomberg content or screens is prohibited.

You must make a reservation to use our Bloomberg Terminals. To make a  reservation in advance for up to two hours, please email or call 212-592-7057.

More Info

This database is only accessible at the following NYPL locations: Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
