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Mergent Market Atlas
  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.
Mergent Market Atlas
  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.

Alternate Name(s):
Mergent Online
Library for the Performing Arts
Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture
Stephen A. Schwarzman Building
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The Mergent Market Atlas database of corporate information covers over 50,000 US and foreign public companies, current and historical (past 15 years) firm descriptions, statistics, financial information and ratios, annual reports, mergers, acquisitions, disposals, joint ventures, long-term debt, capital stock, and insider trading. It provides tools for both interactive online research and predefined report access across Company, Sustainability, Industry, Country and Economic analysis modules.

Please note: This database is a new version of Mergent Online.
