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Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB)
  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.
Neighborhood Change Database (NCDB)
  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.

Alternate Name(s):
Only at Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
How to Access:
Please speak with a staff member at the Business Center to access this database.


NCDB allows users to compile census tract data from the Long Form results of the US Censuses for 1970, 1980, 1990, 2000 and 2010. That data includes population, household, and housing characteristics, income, poverty status, education level, employment, housing costs, immigration, and other variables. The database's distinctive feature is the normalization of data to the latest tract boundaries. Original boundaries can be accessed one census at a time. It is most useful if users already know their tract numbers.
Please note: you must speak with a staff member to access this database, as it requires a staff member to log in. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**

More Info

This database is only accessible at the following NYPL locations: Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
