  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.
  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.

Only at Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
How to Access:
This database can only be accessed on library computers in the Business Center and cannot be accessed through Wi-Fi on a personal device.
Privacy Policy:
View the privacy policy
Terms & Conditions:
View the terms & conditions


Please note: Library patrons must create an account with their name and email address to access PrivCo. It is available for use in the Business Center only, and monthly account limits will apply. PrivCo is a premier resource for financial data on 900,000 private companies, non-publicly traded corporations, family-owned, private equity-owned, venture-backed & international unlisted companies. This database can only be accessed on library computers in the Business Center and cannot be accessed through Wi-Fi on a personal device. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**

More Info

This database is only accessible at the following NYPL locations: Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
