S&P Capital IQ (Standard and Poor's Capital IQ)
  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.
S&P Capital IQ (Standard and Poor's Capital IQ)
  • Available only while at the Library. Please see the description for specific locations with access.

Alternate Name(s):
Standard & Poor's Net Advantage (formerly)
Only at Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
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Provides in-depth financial information on companies, equities, fixed income, industry reports, SEC filings, interest rates, commodities, screening for stocks and mutual funds and more. Includes publications: S&P Analysts Handbook, S&P Bond Guide, S&P Corporation Records, S&P Stock Reports, Stovall Sectors. Provides sophisticated retrieval tools to create reports. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**

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This database is only accessible at the following NYPL locations: Thomas Yoseloff Business Center
