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Black Comics and Graphic Novels: Marvel & DC: 1st Issues - Present

This guide provides an introduction to the collection of Black comics and graphic novels, and all related materials at the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture.


Are you interested in reading the 1972, first issue of Luke Cage, Hero for Hire? Or the most recent issue of Moon Girl? The Jean Blackwell Hutson Research and Reference Division's comic collection includes the earliest and most recent issues of Marvel and DC comics that highlight black superheroes, including special editions.


Here is just a small selection of Marvel materials available in the Research and Reference Division. Use the keyword search function in the catalog to find more Marvel comics and books.


Here is just a small selection of DC materials available in the Research and Reference Division. Use the keyword search function in the catalog to find more DC comics and books.

Using the NYPL Research Catalog

Most collections may be found through the NYPL Research Catalog. Note that Advanced Search will yield more refined results.

Research Catalog

Keyword Search Tips

(Marvel) and (Comics)

(DC) and (Comics)