Under Capital Stock, you can find information about the company's stock. When you first open the page, you will see see a list of one or more classes of stock. Click on the link and you will see the screen below...
Next, you will see a screen with additional information. Along the top is the ticker symbol under which the stock trades, the exchange where the stock is listed, and the number of shares outstanding,
On the right hand side, you will see two graphs. The top one is historical prices over time since the first day of trading, the bottom one historical trading volume. Click on the magnifying glass icon to enlarge the graphs. This data can also be obtained by clicking on the Equity Pricing tab along the top bar.
On the left side, you will see charts listing stock splits, shares outstanding over time, and finally...
...a chart of recent dividends. Included are the amount paid out, record and ex-dividend dates, and the date of pay-out.