The Schomburg Center is organized by material format. This means that appointments to view photographs, art work, and audiovisual materials need to be made separately. Click through the tabs below to learn about the types of materials in the Art and Artifacts, Moving Image and Recorded Sound, and Photographs and Prints Divisions.
The Photographs and Prints Division of the Schomburg Center for Research in Black Culture, contains both documentary and fine art photographs, which document the history and culture of people of African descent worldwide as well as the work of photographers of African descent. The collection of over 300,000 images ranges from mid-eighteenth-century graphics to contemporary documentary and art photography.
Additional collection materials can be identified with the help of the reference librarian. Please contact them directly at
The following is a sample of materials in the Moving Image and Recorded Sound Division that documents the history of jazz. These materials include albums, oral histories, performance recordings, documentaries, and other audio visual materials that capture the history, present, and future of jazz.
Additional materials can be identified with the help of the divisional staff. Please contact them directly at
The Art and Artifacts Division collects, documents, preserves, and interprets art and artifacts by and about peoples of African heritage throughout the world. Fine and applied art and material culture objects from the seventeenth century to the present are collected, with emphasis on the visual arts of the twentieth century in the United States and Africa.
A painting, "Jenkins Band/Orphan Band" by Malvin Gray Johnson, is displayed in the slideshow to the right. This is a painting depicting a jazz scene that is part of the Painting & sculpture collection.
For more information on resources in their division, please email
Below is a small sampling of some jazz LPs available in The Schomburg Center's Moving Image and Recorded Sound division. With more than 25,000 long-play (LP) albums, the recorded sound collections cover the various traditional and contemporary music genres from across the diaspora. The holdings range from the earliest recordings of classic blues singers and jazz bands through gospel, rhythm and blues, and a growing collection of rap and hip-hop music.
While there is not an exhaustive list of their holdings, we encourage researchers to email the division at to inquire further about their holdings.