When researching armed international conflicts with cartographic materials, you might be using these materials to better understand your family's genealogy, to visualize military history, and/or to better understand how conflicts shape and change our world. As such, some questions you might be asking yourself are:
This guide is designed to help you answer these questions as they pertain to armed international conflicts where the United States sent armed forces overseas for military action, starting in the 20th century. As such, in this guide, you will learn how to:
Please click the above tabs to learn more about our catalogs, gazetteers, map analysis, map sets, United States Armed Forces maps, general cartographic resources for researching armed international conflicts, related cartographic materials for various conflicts, and additional non-cartographic resources that can supplement the maps.
The recommended items in this research guide are only a selection of the vast amount of materials we have at NYPL. As such, make sure to utilize the page Using Our Catalogs, as well as the "Catalog Tips" on each page, to ensure that you are searching our entire collection. In terms of arrangement, please note that on each page of this research guide, when a selection of material is presented:
If you have any questions about our collection or inquiries related to your research, please email us at maps@nypl.org
You can request a virtual consultation with our reference librarians to talk about your research and formulate next steps. Click here to request a virtual consultation appointment.
For certain cartographic items in the Map Division, you will need to register for a NYPL Special Collections account. With this account, you can request cartographic materials to view in advance of your visit.
To do so, you can visit the Online Research Catalog to search for collections and use the “Request Appointment” or “Request to Use On-Site” buttons to make your requests. If an item does not have either button, please contact maps@nypl.org
If you are requesting materials specifically from the printed Dictionary Catalog, please use your Special Collections account to fill out this specific form.
Apply for a NYPL Library Card with our online application!
With your card, you can:
Please note that you do not need to live in New York City to receive a card!
For researchers with print disabilities, the Library has resources and services available upon request. The following services are available:
Researchers who are homebound or have a print disability or visual impairment can explore many of our research collections online and request digitization of specific items of interest. To request the digitization service, email accessibility@nypl.org. Please note that you must be a patron of the Andrew Heiskell Library. This digitization service only includes material belonging to the research collections and does not apply to branch/circulating collections.
Every public PC at all New York Public Library locations is equipped with JAWS screen reading software and MAGic software for enlarging the screen, changing colors and contrast, and screenreading.
The Andrew Heiskell Library offers popular reading materials in accessible audio and braille formats, as well as free membership to the Bookshare database of over one million accessible texts. It also offers individual coaching and a large variety of group workshops on topics related to accessible technology. Check the listings on our website, call 212-206-5400, or email talkingbooks@nypl.org