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Using Maps to Research Armed International Conflicts: Selected Post-1900s Conflicts

Learn how to find cartographic materials related to international warfare, at NYPL's Map Division.


This section lists conflicts that the United States was a part of, starting from the 20th century onward. In the drop-down menu, you will find a list of said conflicts. Please click on the conflict of interest, to learn:

  • Photograph of soldiers titled "Here We Are Again"; NYPL Digital Collections Image ID 1136715quick facts about the conflict 
    • please note that the information in this section is an abbreviated list of information pertaining to a conflict. The information listed is to help pinpoint possible Authors/Creators from involved governmental entities and important dates that could affect your use of the Date facet. As such, to understand the full scope of a conflict, please visit our "Source for Quick Facts" that are listed in this section
  • tips on how to search the catalog for cartographic materials related to said conflict
  • a selection of cartographic materials pertaining to that conflict
  • a list of digital cartographic collections 
  • a list of supplementary resources at both NYPL's Research Libraries and circulating branches. 

See below for a list of cartographic resources that cover general military history, available at NYPL's Map Division and online digital collections.

Image Source: "Here We Are Again"; NYPL Digital Collections Image ID 1136715


Resources covering General Military History

Information related to general military history may be found in sheet maps and atlases, as well as in general books that will often include maps. 

We recommend using the Advanced Search function in the Online Research Catalog and inputting the following phrases as keyword or subject searches. To cover the full scope of materials we have in our collection, we recommend doing searches where you both checkmark and don't checkmark "Cartographic" under Format:

  • Military History
    • Examples:
  • [Area of Interest] Military History

If you are specifically interested in the military history pertaining to a specific conflict, feel free to do the following keyword or subject search:

Click the next two tabs, to see cartographic and non-cartographic resources at NYPL that cover general military history, as they pertain to the United States' involvement with modern international conflicts.