History of the kinetograph, kinetoscope and kinetophonograph. By W.K.L. Dickson and Antonia Dickson. [New York, A. Bunn, 1895]
MFL [RBS] (Dickson, W. K. L. History of the kinetograph, kinetoscope and kinetophonograph)
Living pictures : their history, photo-production and practical working, with a digest of British patents and annotated bibliography / by Henry V. Hopwood. London : Optician & photographic trades review, 1899 ([London] : Gutenberg Press)
MFL [RBS] 95-18
La photographie animée / par Eug. Trutat ; avec une préf. de J. Marey. Paris : Gauthier-Villars, 1899.
MFL [RBS] 95-54
Kinematograph weekly. v. 1-651 (no. 1-3337); Nov. 1904-Sept. 1971 (incomplete)
MFLA+ (Kinematograph weekly)
Handbook for motion picture and stereopticon operators / by C. Francis Jenkins, Oscar B. Depue. Washington, D.C., U.S.A. : Knega Co., c1908.
MFL [RBS] 95-26
Handbuch der praktischen Kinematographie : die verschiedenen Konstruktions-Formen des Kinematographen, die Darstellung der lebenden Lichtbilder sowie das kinematographische Aufnahme-Verfahren / von F. Paul Liesegang. Leipzig : Ed. Liesegang's Verlag, 1908.
MFL [RBS] 95-31
Die Kinematographie : Wesen, Entstehung und Ziele des lebenden Bildes / von K.W. Wolf-Czapek. Dresden : Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, 1908.
MFL [RBS] 95-60
Kinematographenrecht : Vortrag, gehalten in der juristischen Gesellschaft zu Berlin am 12. Juni 1909 / von Georg Cohn. Berlin : R. v. Decker's Verlag, [1909]
MFL+ [RBS] 95-62
The motion picture, its making and its theater / by David S. Hulfish. Chicago : Electricity Magazine Corp., 1909.
MFL [RBS] 98-1
Les origines du cinématographe / Georges Demeny. Paris : H. Paulin, [1909]
MFL [RBS] 95-10
[Pathé Frères film d'art: description of moving picture films]. [New York : Pathé Fréres, 1909]
MFL [RBS] 95-41
Theorie der kinematographischen Projektionen / von Karl Marbe. Leipzig : Verlag von J.A. Barth, 1910.
MFL [RBS] 95-36
Handbook / the Natural Color Kinematograph Co. London : Natural Color Kinematograph Co., c1910.
MFL [RBS] 95-39
Cyclopedia of motion-picture work : a general reference work on the optical lantern, motion head, specific projecting machines, talking pictures, color motography, fixed camera photography, motography, photo-plays, motion-picture theater, management and operation, audience, program, etc / prepared by David S. Hulfish. Chicago : American Technical Society, 1911.
MFL [RBS] 95-22
MFL [RBS] 95-23
Der Kinematograph als Bildungsmittel : eine kulturpolitische Untersuchung / von Ernst Schultze. Halle a.d.S. : Buchhandlung des Waisenhauses, 1911.
MFL [RBS] 95-49
Pathé Frères films. New York : Pathé Frères, 1911-1912.
MFL+ [RBS] 95-75
Pathé's weekly. New York City : Pathé Frères, 1911-1913 ([New York : McConnell Printing Co.])
MFL+ [RBS] 97-29
Handbuch der praktischen Kinematographie : die verschiedenen Konstruktions-Formen des Kinematographen, die Darstellung der lebenden Lichtbilder sowie das kinematographische Aufnahme-Verfahren / von F. Paul Liesegang. Düsseldorf : Ed. Liesegang, 1912.
MFL [RBS] 95-32
La technique cinématographique : projection, fabrication des films / par Léopold Lobel. Paris : H. Dunod et E. Pinat, 1912.
MFL [RBS] 95-34
The handbook of kinematography: the history, theory, and practice of motion photography and projection / by Colin N. Bennett and collaborators. London : Kinematograph weekly, 1913.
MFL [RBS] 95-5
Submarine Motion Picture Corporation. Prospectus, circa 1913.
MFL+ [RBS] 95-76
Der Kinematograph und das sich bewegende Bild : Geschichte und technische Entwicklung der Kinematographie bis zur Gegenwart / von Carl Forch. Wien und Leipzig : A. Hartleben's Verlag, 1913.
MFL [RBS] 95-14
Motion-picture work : a general treatise on picture taking, picture making, photo-plays, and theater management and operation / by David S. Hulfish. Chicago : American Technical Society, 1915, c1913.
MFL [RBS] 95-24
Motography's hand book and film record. Listing all films both licensed and independent issued between Oct. 1, 1912 and Sept. 30, 1913, inclusive. Chicago, U.S.A. : Electricity Magazine Corp., 1913.
MFL [RBS] 95-38
The Modern bioscope operator. London : Ganes, 1913.
MFL [RBS] 95-37
Portraits of popular picture players. Year 1913. Brooklyn, N.Y. : M.P. Pub. Co., [1913]
MFL [RBS] 95-42
Practical cinematography and its applications / by Frederick A. Talbot. Philadelphia : J.B. Lippincott ; London : William Heinemann, 1913.
MFL [RBS] 95-52
How to run a picture theatre : a handbook for proprietors, managers and exhibitors. London : Published by E.T. Heron & Co., [1914]
MFL [RBS] 95-20
Motion picture making and exhibiting : a comprehensive volume treating the principles of motography; the making of motion pictures; the scenario; the motion picture theater; the projector; the conduct of film exhibiting; methods of coloring films; talking pictures, etc. / by John B. Rathbun. Chicago : Charles C. Thompson Co., c1914.
MFL [RBS] 95-44
The American motion picture directory : a cyclopedic directory of the motion picture industry. 1914-15. Chicago, U.S.A. : American Motion Picture Directory Co., c1915.
MFL [RBS] 95-2
Hopwood's living pictures : their history, photo-production, and practical working, with classified lists of British patents and bibliography / by R.B. Foster. London : Hatton Press, 1915.
MFL [RBS] 95-17
The Cinematograph book : a complete practical guide to the taking and projecting of cinematograph pictures / edited by Bernard E. Jones. London ; New York : Cassell and Co., 1915.
MFL [RBS] 95-27
Who's who in the motion picture world / compiled and published by Who's Who in Pictures Publishing Co. New York, N.Y. : Who's Who in Pictures Publishing Co., [1915]
MFL [RBS] 95-59
[Collection of photogravure reproductions of stills for motion pictures distributed by George Kleine, chiefly produced by Thomas A. Edison Inc. or Edison Studios]. Chicago, Ill. : George Kleine, [1915-1916]; (Chicago : Western Photogravure Co.)
MFL+ [RBS] 95-64
How to make and operate moving pictures : a complete practical guide to the taking and projecting of cinematograph pictures / edited by Bernard E. Jones. New York ; London : Funk & Wagnalls Co., 1916.
MFL [RBS] 95-28
A-B-C of motion pictures / by Robert E. Welsh. New York ; London : Harper & Brothers, c1916.
MFL [RBS] 95-57
The guide to kinematography : for camera men, operators, and all who "want to know" / by Colin N. Bennett, at the suggestion and guidance of E.T. Heron. London : E.T. Heron, 1917.
MFL [RBS] 95-7
Motion picture operation : stage electrics and illusions : a practical hand-book and guide for theater electricians, motion picture operators and managers of theaters and productions / by Henry C. Horstmann and Victor H. Tousley. Chicago : F.J. Drake, c1917.
MFL [RBS] 95-19
Le cinéma / Henri Diamant-Berger. Paris : Renaissance du livre, c1919.
MFL [RBS] 95-11
Leitfaden für Kinooperateure und Kinobesitzer / von Paul Schrott. Wien : Waldheim-Eberle ; Leipzig : Otto Klemm, 1919.
MFL [RBS] 95-48
[Guides for exhibitors containing newspaper and advertising material from the Fox Film Corporation]. [New York : Fox Film Corp., 1919?]
MFL [RBS] 95-16
A 25 éves mozi : a magyar kinematográfia negyedszázados története / szerkesztették, Lányi Victor, Radó István, Held Albert ; a 225 rajzot készitette, Sátori Lipót. Budapest : Biró Miklós nyomdai mʺuintézete, 1920.
MFL [RBS] 95-25
The first one hundred noted men and women of the screen / by Carolyn Lowrey. New York : Moffat, Yard and Co., 1920.
MFL [RBS] 95-109
The art of cineplastics / by Elie Faure ; translated from the French by Walter Pach. Boston : The Four Seas Company, 1923.
MFL [RBS] 95-13
Warner Brothers Classics of the screen. New York : Warner Bros., c1923.
MFL+ [RBS] 95-74
[Collection of campaign books for exhibitors]. [New York : Associated Exhibitors, Inc., 1924?]
MFL+ [RBS] 95-61
The truth about the movies, by the stars / Laurence A. Hughes, editor. Hollywood, Calif., U.S.A. : Hollywood Publishers, c1924.
MFL [RBS] 95-21
The merger and the new season : productions for release, 1924-25. [New York : Metro-Goldwyn Distributing Corp., 1925] (New York City : Gordon Press)
MFL+ [RBS] 95-68
Metro-Goldwyn presents for 1925-1926 : 52 history making pictures : the first half to be presented as the perfect 26. N.Y.C. : Metro-Goldwyn Distributing Corp., c1925 (N.Y. : Gordon Press)
MFL+ [RBS] 95-71
Advance information : embodying synopses, catchlines and casts to date on William Fox special productions, for the season of 1925/26. [New York] : Fox Film Corp., [1925?]
MFL [RBS] 95-15
[Collection of exhibitors' campaign books of the United Artists Corporation]. [New York : United Artists Corp., 1925?]
MFL+ [RBS] 95-72
Das grosse Bilderbuch des Films / herausgegeben vom Filmkurier ; [verantwortlich für den redaktionellen Inhalt: Ernst Jäger]. Berlin : Verlag Film-Kurier, [1926?]
MFL+ [RBS] 95-63
Projektion und Projektionsvortrag / von Dr. Kuhfahl. Berlin : Union Deutsche Verlagsgesellschaft, [1926]
MFL [RBS] 95-29
La vérité sur l'invention de la projection animée : Emile Reynaud : sa vie et ses travaux / par Maurice Noverre ; lettre-préface de Victor Collignon. [France] : Imprimé pour l'auteur, [1926] (Brest : Impr. A. Huau)
MFL [RBS] 95-40
A million and one nights : a history of the motion picture / Terry Ramsaye. New York : Simon and Schuster, 1926.
MFL [RBS] 95-43
The big parade of stars : the Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer lion : king of them all. [New York] : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, [1927] ([New York : Gordon Press])
MFL+ [RBS] 95-67
Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer presents the parade of hits for 1926-1927 : 52 star studded motion pictures. [New York City] : Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer, [1927] ([New York : Gordon Press])
MFL+ [RBS] 95-70
Publicity sheets from the Advertising and Publicity Department of the Fox Film Corporation. [New York : Fox Film Corp., 1927?]
MFL [RBS] 95-107
Album de cinelandia : biografias y retratos auténticos / Lucio A. Villegas, editor. Hollywood : [s.n.], c1928 (Los Angeles : Mac Printing Co.)
MFL+ [RBS] 95-73
Walking shadows : an essay on Lotte Reiniger's silhouette films / Eric Walter White. London : Leonard and Virginia Woolf at the Hogarth Press, 1931.
MFL [RBS] 95-58
Caligari : the story of a famous story, [193-?] / by Hans Janowitz.
MFLP [RBS] 96-98