The Queer Studies Collections in the Manuscripts, Archives and Rare Books Division of the Schomburg Center include over 20 collections spanning from 1921- 2014. These collections include personal papers of Black LGBTQIA+ people and organizations. This section will highlight a few of these collections.
Cabaret performer
Gay rights activist and author
Singer, male impersonator, and gay rights activist. Believed to have thrown the first punch at the Stone Wall Riot.
Gay activist, poet, and performance artist
Black Men's Xchange (BMX) New York records, 1993-2007
Gay Men of African Descent records, Inc., 1986-2001
House/Ballroom files, 1990-1999
In the Life Archive (ITLA) miscellaneous collections, 1950s-2010
Jamaica Gay Freedom Movement records, 1973-2003
Lavender Light Gospel Choir collection, 1997-2003
Other Countries records, 1982-2002
Alan Bell collection, 1995-2005
Assotto Saint papers, 1981-1994
Brad Johnson papers, ca. 1970-2011
Cheryl Clarke papers, 1960-2005
Craig G. Harris papers, 1986-1993
Djola Branner papers, ca. 1983-2010
Donna Allegra papers, 1981-2002
Essex Hemphill/Wayson Jones collection, 1981-2008
Glenn Carrington papers, 1921-1971
Ira Jeffries papers, 1950-2000
James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket documentary film collection, ca. 1989
James Baldwin’s Five Years poetry manuscript, 1942-1948
James Baldwin papers, 1936-1992
Janet McDonald papers, 1960-2007
Jewelle Gomez papers, 1968-2010
Joan Jett Blakk/Lick Bush in ’92 archive, 1991-1996
Kevin McGruder papers, 1988-2005
Melvin Dixon papers, 1962-1992
Richard Witherspoon papers, 1971-2006
Robert E. Penn papers, 1971-2003
Roy Gonsalves papers, 1985-1999
SDiane Adamz-Bogus papers, 1946-2002
Sharon Bridgforth papers, 1989-2015
Storḿé DeLarveríé papers, 1980-2014
Contact the Reference Librarian for help locating additional materials.