For useful links to map sites with images, interactive features, and specific area or thematic concentrations, our expert staff have developed map research guides that will point you to immensely informative online resources. Among the guides you will find there are those for:
As of this writing, the Map Division staff have also begun to create formatted research guides, such as this one, in the "LibGuide" framework. Look for these, and many others created by NYPL staff on a variety of topics, at
Another way to access the map research guides, besides the link in the box above, is from the general Research Guides menu page. Selecting and applying "Map Division" on the dropdown "Division" menu on this page will bring up a page with thumbnail images and live links for the individual topical Map Division Research Guides, as illustrated in the box to the right. >
Map Division librarians and curators are available via email to answer research-specific questions. One can also make an appointment for a virtual consultation.