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Guide to the Schomburg Center's Photographs and Prints Division: Finding Materials

Searching the NYPL Catalog

To search for materials in the Photographs and Prints Division, we recommend using the NYPL Legacy Catalog and selecting "Schomburg Photographs and Prints" under the Collection dropdown menu.

You can conduct searches by the following fields:

  • Keyword
  • Author
  • Title
  • Subject

Catalog search tips:

  • For the broadest results, we recommend searching by keyword.

  • Create a list of terms to use, and try different combinations of 2-3 terms to broaden and narrow your search results.

  • Use the asterisk (*) wildcard to find word endings, by entering the root of a term followed by an asterisk. For example, entering danc* will result in matches for dancedancing, and dancers.

  • Use Boolean terms such as: AND, OR, NOT when searching to produce results using multiple terms.

  • Use quotation marks (" ") for exact phrases and names.

  • Try local spellings of names for people, places or events.

Finding aids

For a growing selection of our collections, publicly accessible finding aids are available via the NYPL Archives Portal

Finding aids for other collections are currently only available upon request. For any collection in the NYPL catalog that lists "Finding aid" under the "Indexes" field, contact us at to request a copy of the finding aid in question.