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Slavic and East European Collections: Catalogs and Bibliographies: Bibliographies

Other Bibliographies

Also consider a keyword search using vocabulary from the subject headings listed in the columns to the left, for example, Hungary Bibliography. It will produce many more hits, including some relevant but the list will also include every book on Hungary that has a bibliography. In addition to national-level bibliographies, bibliographies that deal with smaller parts of these countries, cities, organizations, movements, events, individuals, etc. might also be available. For example

Freely Accessible Online Bibliographic Tools

Herder-Institut: Bibliographieportal - Since 1994, this bibliographic portal systematically records scholarly literature on the history and culture of East Central Europe. Monographs, anthologies and essays, periodicals, primary sources, reference works, bibliographies, and reviews are included.

osmikonSEARCH offers the possibility of searching in German and international library catalogs, bibliographies, and special databases for scholarly literature and research materials on Eastern, East-Central, and Southeastern Europe.

The "Slavistik-Portal" aims to be the central bibliography of specialized information on Slavic studies on the Internet (2005-).

See also National Bibliographies guide (University of Illinois)