While none of the bibliographic databases listed below focuses exclusively on Slavic or East European topics each of them includes bibliographic citations (and in some cases full-text) for materials that deal with Slavic or East European topics. Some of the databases listed below are specifically designed to be international in scope. Some of these databases are available remotely with your NYPL library card while the rest can be accessed on-site at the Library
Indexes articles in journals received by the British Museum's Department of Ethnography library. Particular emphasis is given to social and cultural anthropology and the archaeology of Eastern and Central Europe, Asia, Africa, and the Americas. Dates of Coverage:1970-present. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
The Applied Science & Business Periodicals Retrospective database contains indexing and abstracts for major scientific and technical publications from 1913 to 1983. The index includes citations for more than 4.5 million articles and 1,700 periodicals. Full text articles are available selectively within the index, including the Harvard Business Review.. Topics covered include acoustics, aeronautics, applied mathematics, atmospheric science, automatic control, automotive engineering, space science, textile industry & fabrics, transportation, waste management and more. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Provides full abstracts of journal articles, books, exhibition catalogs, dissertations, and reviews on all forms of modern and contemporary art. Dates of Coverage: 1974-present. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Indexes articles on architecture in its broadest sense, including archaeology, decorative arts, interior design, furniture, landscape architecture, and city planning from 1930s to present. Includes a large number of architects' obituaries, a rich source of biographical information. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
International index to design and craft journals. Dates of Coverage: 1973-present. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Formerly known as Film/TV Documentation Collections, FIAF Index to Film Periodicals Plus is a bibliographical resource offering coverage of hundreds of the world's foremost academic and popular film journals right up to the present day. Many of these key titles are available here in full text including complete runs. It is an essential reference work for any film researcher.
**Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Abstracts of journal articles on world history since 1450, excluding U.S. and Canadian history, which is covered by America: History and Life. Dates of Coverage: 1954-present. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
An interdisciplinary index to book reviews published in scholarly journals, primarily in the social sciences and the humanities, including many European journals. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Contains all of the content available in International Bibliography of Theatre & Dance as well as full text for 100 titles, including Canadian Theatre Review, Dance Chronicle, Dance Teacher, Modern Drama, PAJ: A Journal of Performance and Art, Research in Dance Education, Research in Drama Education, Studies in Theatre and Performance, TDR: The Drama Review, Theater, and more. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Topics covered include politics, economics, the labor movement, ecology and environment, women's studies, race and ethnicity, social and cultural theory, sociology, art and aesthetics, philosophy, history, education, law, and globalization. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Indexes scholarship in world literature, including poetry, fiction, drama, film, linguistics, and folklore. Dates of Coverage: 1963-present. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
The Music Index Online edition features over 1.4 million records. The searchable database is updated quarterly with about 100,000 new records added annually. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
A collection of research guides for a wide variety of subjects. Includes topic overviews and annotated bibliographies. **Patrons should read the Oxford Bibliographies Online Privacy Policy before searching.**
Previously known as the International Index for the Performing Arts Full Text (IIPA), the Performing Arts Periodicals Database covers the subjects of dance, film, television, drama, recorded sound, theater, stagecraft, musical theater, broadcast arts, circus performance, comedy, storytelling, opera, pantomime, puppetry, magic and more. Contains over 172,013 records providing current and retrospective coverage, with citations dating back to 1864. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
SocINDEX with Full Text is the world's most comprehensive and highest quality sociology research database. Its extensive scope and content provide users with a wealth of extremely useful information encompassing the broad spectrum of sociological study. The database features more than 1,986,000 records with subject headings from a 19,600+ term sociological thesaurus designed by subject experts and expert lexicographers. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Indexes and abstracts statistical sources from government and nongovernment agencies. Covers US and International areas. Economic, market, and demographic statistics included, as well as many other topics. Some graphs are available. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Studies on Women and Gender Abstracts (SWA) is an international abstracting service designed to meet the information needs of those working, teaching, studying or researching into any of the main areas of women's studies. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Indexes journals covering political science and related fields. Dates of Coverage: 1975-present. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**