The Library holds Joh. Amos Commenii Orbis sensualium pictus... (1679), an early edition of the first picture book for children that was originally published in 1658 by Johann Amos Comenius (1592-1670), a Moravian philosopher, pedagogue, and theologian who is considered the father of modern education. This popular book is represented in the collection by several editions, including 1705, 1745-46, and 1777.
Historical (research libraries) and current (branch system) collections of children's books are of great interest. To locate circulating materials, the branch library's catalog has to be searched by author/title. The part of the collection that was once held in the circulating (branch) libraries (incl. the Donnell Library) and was later moved to the Research Libraries consists of works in the following languages:
There is also a boxed collection called Russian literature from the Donnell Library Center, World Languages Collection: in the collection of the Slavic and Baltic Division, NYPL, from 2007 on. as well as a small collection of Belarusian children's literature that is kept together (call no. *QM 02-500) but all other titles of Slavic and East European children's literature have to be searched either by the title or the author. Helpful here are checklists of titles held by the Library, including those of Children's book collection in the Slavic and Baltic Division, NYPL 1768-1860, and Russian children's literature before 1860.
See also the following digitized children's books.