The Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History, Local History and Genealogy has in its collections thousands of family histories, including published, and self-published titles, and manuscripts. Some family histories are scholarly affairs, abiding by the rules of the Genealogical Proof Standard, with documentary evidence, and proper citations, whilst others are a labor of love, a typed and bound manuscript, complete with stories, illustrations and photostats of family trees and pedigree charts, and even family photographs. One thing they have in common: they are all arranged by name.
To find family histories in NYPL collections you need to search the subject term for a particular family name, usually [family name] family.
So... the subject term for Elliott family histories is Elliott family.
If we search the subject term Elliott family in the NYPL Research Catalog we get 54 results, not just books, but also archive collections and microfilm too.
You can go to most online library catalogs and search your family name and the word family as a subject term to find family histories. For instance, a search of Sutton family in WorldCat produces more than 1000 results (some of those titles may be duplicates).
If you do find a family history that pertains to your own family, be sure to check the author's research. Does it provide evidence of assertions made? Are there citations? Is there bias? Take the time to check the records cited in a family history yourself, so that you can make your own interpretation of the facts, and create your own narrative.
You may even be inspired to write your own family history!
Fannie Blaine Elliott : Elliott family history, 1816-2003 / by Earl S. Elliott, Jr. New York : IUniverse, c2004.
New York Public Library Research Catalog
Search for your ancestors in thousands of family histories collected by the Milstein Division. Some of the titles have been digitized: the bibliographic record in the catalog will include a link a digital copy, if one is available.
The Family History Library is actively digitizing its family histories, local histories, and other collections to make them searchable and available online to researchers worldwide.
Includes digitized family histories from the Family History Library, Allen County Public Library, Arizona State Library, Historical Society of Pennsylvania, Onondaga County Public Library, and The Midwest Genealogy Center, amongst others.
This genealogical database allows researchers to search U.S. Federal Census records, digitized family and local history books, Revolutionary War Pension and Bounty Land Warrant Application Files and the Freedman's Bank Records (1865-1874), maps, and a wealth of other historical collections and research guides.
HathiTrust is a partnership of academic and research institutions, offering a collection of millions of books digitized from libraries around the world, including family histories.
A free digital library that includes 20 million books, and 3 million images, including family histories. Tip: look for the titles of books in library catalogs, then search for that title in the internet archive. Or search [family name] family as a topic.
Search the world's most comprehensive index of full-text books.
For researchers with print disabilities, the Library has resources and services available upon request. The following services are available:
Researchers who are homebound or have a print disability or visual impairment can explore many of our research collections online and request digitization of specific items of interest. To request the digitization service, email Please note that you must be a patron of the Andrew Heiskell Library. This digitization service only includes material belonging to the research collections and does not apply to branch/circulating collections.
Every public PC at all New York Public Library locations is equipped with JAWS screen reading software and MAGic software for enlarging the screen, changing colors and contrast, and screenreading.
The Andrew Heiskell Library offers popular reading materials in accessible audio and braille formats, as well as free membership to the Bookshare database of over one million accessible texts. It also offers individual coaching and a large variety of group workshops on topics related to accessible technology. Check the listings on our website, call 212-206-5400, or email
For more information, see the Accessibility at NYPL page.
For researchers with print disabilities, the Library has resources and services available upon request. The following services are available:
Researchers who are homebound or have a print disability or visual impairment can explore many of our research collections online and request digitization of specific items of interest. To request the digitization service, email Please note that you must be a patron of the Andrew Heiskell Library. This digitization service only includes material belonging to the research collections and does not apply to branch/circulating collections.
Every public PC at all New York Public Library locations is equipped with JAWS screen reading software and MAGic software for enlarging the screen, changing colors and contrast, and screenreading.
The Andrew Heiskell Library offers popular reading materials in accessible audio and braille formats, as well as free membership to the Bookshare database of over one million accessible texts. It also offers individual coaching and a large variety of group workshops on topics related to accessible technology. Check the listings on our website, call 212-206-5400, or email
For more information, see the Accessibility at NYPL page.