they are becoming information literate. Developing these skills will help you be a better family historian.
"I need information." This is not a research question. To help yourself find the information you need, or to ask a librarian or archivist for assistance, try to develop research questions that have an easily identifiable end goal. Your questions may be broad to begin with, but will, over time, become more specific. For instance:
How do I research my family history?
How can I trace my lineage?
When did my ancestors immigrate to the U.S.?
Where was my maternal great-grandfather born?
Did my maternal great-grandfather own property?
Did my ancestor fight in the Civil War?
Are we related to royalty?
Is it true that my great-grandfather was a stowaway?
How can DNA help me with my research?
Where can I find my ancestor's
marriage record?
baptismal record?
naturalization record?
What records will show where my ancestor lived?
How do I locate the name of the house of worship my ancestor attended?
Never take a record on face value. Study it.
For instance, when evaluating information in a census population schedule, we must consider
Common anomalies or errors in a census might include
It is always a good idea to find supporting evidence for information in a record. Two records are always better than one.
FamilySearch has a diagram that describes the typical genealogy research formula.