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International Trade: Country Industry and Market Research

If You Are Exporting-


  • Emerging Markets - Internet Securities (EMIS) publishes regularly updated industry reports for emerging national economies such as Indonesia Pharmaceuticals & Health Care Report and also global reports such as Global Tea Market which can be downloaded as PDFs.
  • BMI Country Risk & Industry Research provides the latest world business news and quarterly updated major industry sector reports.
  • Statista provides statistical data for 170+ industries including market and consumer data and reports for the United States and foreign markets.
  • Research Foreign Markets is the U.S. International Trade Administration's portal for all federal resources available online.
  • Country Commercial Guides published by the U.S. International Trade Administration are annually updated guides on most countries of the world which indentify the top industry sectors for U.S. exporters.
  • Top Export Market Rankings by country and industry.
  • Doing Business (World Bank) includes national economic data from 2003 to 2019 plus the Ease of Doing Business score.
  • GlobalEDGE - Michigan State University portal to high quality country and industry information on the internet.

If You Are Importing-

  • Mintel is a database of U.S. consumer market research broken down by sector, age group, gender, income and race.
  • BMI Country Risk & Industry Research provides the latest world business news as well as quarterly updated major industry sector and country risk reports.
  • IBISWorld is a collection of industry and market research reports for an extensive selection of specialized small- and large-scale industries in the United States and on a more limited level for selected major states such as California and New York.

Researching the Global Marketplace