Emerging Markets - Internet Securities (EMIS)publishes regularly updated industry reports for emerging national economies such as Indonesia Pharmaceuticals & Health Care Report and also global reports such as Global Tea Market which can be downloaded as PDFs.
Statista provides statistical data for 170+ industries including market and consumer data and reports for the United States and foreign markets.
Research Foreign Markets is the U.S. International Trade Administration's portal for all federal resources available online.
Country Commercial Guides published by the U.S. International Trade Administration are annually updated guides on most countries of the world which indentify the top industry sectors for U.S. exporters.
Doing Business (World Bank) includes national economic data from 2003 to 2019 plus the Ease of Doing Business score.
GlobalEDGE - Michigan State University portal to high quality country and industry information on the internet.
If You Are Importing-
Mintel is a database of U.S. consumer market research broken down by sector, age group, gender, income and race.
BMI Country Risk & Industry Research provides the latest world business news as well as quarterly updated major industry sector and country risk reports.
IBISWorld is a collection of industry and market research reports for an extensive selection of specialized small- and large-scale industries in the United States and on a more limited level for selected major states such as California and New York.