This page surveys New York City titles by digital resources
Digital Resources
America's Historical Newspapers (Readex -- includes Balch Ethnic)
Center for Research Libraries
Chronicling America
Fulton History
New York State Newspapers - Gale
Nineteenth Century U.S. Newspapers - Gale
NYS Historic Newspapers
America's Historical Newspapers (Readex - Newsbank)
Also includes:
African American Newspapers, 1827-1998
Ethnic American Newspapers from the Balch Collection, 1799-1971
Hispanic American Newspapers 1808 - 1980
Many New York City titles, especially 19th century but often limited date coverage, often less than a year. Titles with more than a decade of coverage listed here:
Commercial Advertiser (1797-1876)
Evening Post (1801-1876)
New York Age (1887-1953)
New-Yorker Staats-Zeitung (1836-1876)
New Yorker Volkszeitung (1889-1932)
New York Tribune (1856-1899)
Las Novedades (1888-1918)
Prensa (1919-1929)
World (1861-1876)
Center for Research Libraries
Freely available. Scans that were delivered on demand.
Search their catalog with the "Digital" tab to see available scans.
Page images in PDF but not a full text database. Date ranges vary from weeks to months.
See title index for New York Newspapers.
Chronicling America freely available
Often includes detailed descriptions of the newspapers.
New York City titles (titles and calendar view)
Summary of main titles:
Evening World (1887-1922)
Gazette of the United States (1789-1793)
New York Herald (1836-1920)
New York Tribune (1841-1922)
Sun (1859-1920)
Sun and New York Press (1916)
Sun and the New York Herald (1920)
Chronicling America searches words on whole page, not within articles.
The Advanced Search Tab includes many options to refine your search, including limit to states, titles and years. Also limit to front page or page number. Limit for phrases and proximity searches (word within x number of word). No search syntax needed.
Chronicling America also host the U.S. Newspaper Directory. Lists North American libraries' holdings in microfilm and print. This is a more streamlined search compared to WorldCat.
Newspapers in Microform (PDF) Library of Congress, 1984, identifies holdings of U.S newspapers on microfilm in North American libraries. It's also available at the reference desk in Rose Main Reading Room, It is superseded by the current and easier to use U.S. Newspaper Directory.
Fulton Search
Freely available. Idiosyncratic but often very useful. Difficult to limit search to a particular title.
You can also try their earlier interface Fulton History.
Some NYC Titles
Amsterdam News (1963-1988) also in ProQuest Historical
Evening Telegram (1868-1924)
Evening World (1887-1922) also in Chronicling America
Herald (1841-1919) also in Chronicling America
Journal American (1938)
New York Age (1906-1953) also in ProQuest Historical
New York Evening Post (1921-1948)
New York Post (1950-1964)
New York Sun (1843-1945) also in Chronicling America
New York Times (1853-1921) also in ProQuest Historical
PM Daily (1940-1948) (this is the whole run)
World (1862-1882)
World Telegram and Sun (1959-1966)
New York State Newspapers - Gale
New York Observer (1999-2011) text only
New York Times (1985-current) text only
Gale International Herald Tribune (1887-2013) includes the New York Herald - European Edition (When the International Herald Tribune was called the NY Herald European Edition).
New York City Titles (coverage varies)
Daily Graphic
Emancipator and Free American
Frank Leslie's Illustrated Newspaper
Irish World and American Industrial Liberator
Log Cabin
National Advocate
National Advocate, for the Country
New York Age
New York Evening Post
New York Herald
New York Spectator
Protection and Reciprocity
Voice of Freedom
Weekly Herald
Coverage through NYPL subscription differs from individual subscriptions.
Most NYC titles here are available through a partnership with Chronicling America and also available there.
Brooklyn newspapers available through a partnership between Brooklyn Public Library's Brooklyn Newsstand and also available there.
Content unique to indicated with asterisk.
New York State Newspapers list (200)
New York City
Evening Post (1801-1850)
Evening World (1887-1922)
New York Age (1905-1960)
New York Daily Herald (1836-1879, Jan. 1920)
New York Tribune (1841-1922)
Sun (1859-1920)
Weekly Sun (1861-1865)
World (1890-1899)
NYS Historic Newspapers
Freely available. Dates indicate range of coverage.
Brooklyn Daily Eagle (1849-1902)
Evening Post (1832-1920)
The Evening World (1887-1922)
New York Evening Post (1920-1927)
NYC newspapers in PressReader
New York Post (December 13, 2005 to date) -- deleted from PressReader January 1, 2023
El Diario (Spanish) (November 2, 2007 to date)
From the upper right, click on search icon.
> advanced search.
> keyword options
> limit to publication, language, date or date range.
ProQuest Historical Newspapers covers about 40 titles.
The database is onsite only, but some titles can be accessed separately.
Daily News - in ProQuest Historical Newspapers: U.S. Northeast Collection (from home)
Also in ProQuest Historical
>New York Times is in three ProQuest databases
New York Times (1851-2016) w/ Index in ProQuest Historical Newspapers
New York Times (1980-present) ProQuest text + images not page image
ProQuest Recent Newspapers: The New York Times 2008 to 3 months ago, in library. Not in ProQuest Historical.
New York Times Book Review 1988 - current - ProQuest Research Library.
Also in ProQuest Historical and ProQuest Recent Newspapers with dates above.
New York Tribune / Herald Tribune (1841-1962) ProQuest Historical Newspapers
New York Herald, New York Tribune (1924-1926);
New York Herald Tribune (1926-1962) Note: last issue in ProQuest: Dec 31, 1962 (final edition on microfilm is April 24, 1966)
New-York Tribune (1841-1842)
New-York Daily Tribune (1842-1866)
New-York Tribune (1866-1924)
>N.B. The Herald merged with the Tribune in 1924. This database does not include the Herald before 1924.
Database | searches |
ProQuest Historical | article level |
ProQuest North East Regional | page level |
ProQuest Recent Newspapers | page level |
ProQuest Historical searches are on the article level. ProQuest North East Regional and ProQuest Recent Newspapers
search for words on the page level.
Page level searches are more likely return irrelevant results because the words searched can be scattered anywhere on the page rather then within an article. You can try quotes for a phrase. But if the words are not necessarily in that order and to reduce scatter use the proximity searches.
Proximity Searches
NEAR/ -- default is 7
X NEAR/ Y finds occurrences where X is within 7 words of Y.
Or specify: X NEAR/4 Y --- finds occurrences where X is within 4 words of Y.
Quotations will force the words into an exact phrase. This can sometimes eliminate relevant results if the form of a name or phrase varies.
For example,
NEAR/ | default is 7 |
X NEAR/ Y | where X is within 7 words of Y. |
X NEAR/4 Y | where X is within 4 words of Y |