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Researching Magazines at The New York Public Library: Home

This guide covers current and historical magazines at the 42nd Street Library, as well as resources for locating and conducting research on magazine titles and their histories.


The magazine is a powerful factor in the diffusion of knowledge.

- Carolyn F. Ulrich, 1926, Chief of the Periodical Division 

The 42nd Street Library has been home to one of the nation's largest collections of magazines since it first opened in 1911. With its wealth of news reporting, analysis, articles, artwork, ads, and more, this collection has been a valuable source of knowledge for readers, offering insights on various topics from magazines published in the US and worldwide. Today, the magazine collection continues to grow and remains an essential part of the Library.

This research guide introduces:

  • Overview of the DeWitt Wallace Periodical Room
  • A selection of historical and current magazine holdings at the 42nd Street Library
  • Resources for locating and conducting research for magazine titles and history

For any questions or research help, please email the General Research Division.

Note: This guide only covers a selection of magazines available at the 42nd Street Library, one of the research libraries within The New York Public Library system. This guide does not provide an exhaustive list of all the magazines available in the collection. The collection boasts a vast array of magazines, numbering in the thousands and counting.

Cover of Japan New York = ジャパンニュ-ヨ-ク
Cover of Latina
Cover of 13th Moon
Cover of Go!
Cover of Honolulu
Cover of Babilonia
Cover of Allure
Cover of 34 Letras
Cover of Arizona Highways
Cover of Brooklyn Magazine
Cover of Ellas
Cover of People en español
Cover of Evergreen Review
Cover of GirlJock
Cover of Sesame Street Magazine
Cover of Hot Rod
Cover of Circles
Cover of Fujin no tomo / 婦人 之 友
Cover of La Familia
Cover of Food & Wine

Request a Group Visit to the 42nd Street Library

Our staff welcomes upper high school, undergraduate, and graduate students, and other groups to explore the varied collections and resources at our landmark 42nd Street building. We work with instructors to design class visits that use the Library's remarkable collections to foster creative inquiry, cultivate critical thinking, and develop information literacy skills, both textual and visual. 

Accessibility for Print Disabilities

For researchers with print disabilities, the Library has resources and services available upon request. The following services are available:

Digitization of Select Research Materials

Researchers who are homebound or have a print disability or visual impairment can explore many of our research collections online and request digitization of specific items of interest. To request the digitization service, email Please note that you must be a patron of the Andrew Heiskell Library. This digitization service only includes material belonging to the research collections and does not apply to branch/circulating collections. 

Screen Readers and Enlargers 

Every public PC at all New York Public Library locations is equipped with JAWS screen reading software and MAGic software for enlarging the screen, changing colors and contrast, and screenreading. 

Andrew Heiskell Braille and Talking Book Library

The Andrew Heiskell Library offers popular reading materials in accessible audio and braille formats, as well as free membership to the Bookshare database of over one million accessible texts. It also offers individual coaching and a large variety of group workshops on topics related to accessible technology. Check the listings on our website, call 212-206-5400, or email for details. It also hosts many networking groups, resource fairs, writing workshops, accessible art workshops, book clubs, and other events. All are listed in the quarterly newsletter, available by email, website (text or audio), or over the phone.

For more information, see the Accessibility at NYPL page