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Slavic and East European Unique Print Collections: Periodicals, incl. newspapers

Periodicals, including newspapers

Since its inception in 1899, the Slavonic Division was committed to providing access to newspapers. Herman Rosenthal, the first Chief, documented several of these newspapers in his List of Russian, other Slavonic, and Baltic Periodicals in the New York Public Library (1916). In 1975, the division held around 120 newspaper titles, primarily in Slavic and East European languages. This collection included approximately 40 titles from the USSR, notably featuring prominent publications such as Pravda (1917-) and Izvestiia (1917-). Additionally, there were four newspapers from Poland, including Trybuna Ludu (1948-), and one from Czechoslovakia, Rude Pravo (1948-). The collection also encompassed newspapers from thirteen other countries, with the largest single unit consisting of 52 titles from the United States and Canada. The Library ensured that current issues of these newspapers were made available to the public upon receipt, while back issues were accessible on microfilm. The active involvement in newspaper collection persisted over decades, resulting in the accumulation of extensive historical files. This ongoing commitment reflects the Library's dedication to preserving and providing access to a diverse array of newspapers with a focus on the Slavic and East European regions.

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border - Gazeta Wyborcza (Stołeczna) 31.10.2022 (254)

File:Свобода. (Українська газета у США). 1916. №129.pdf