Keep up to date by researching databases for recent articles that may offer advice about career transitions and career trends. Below you will find the steps to search the Academic OneFile (Gale) and the Academic Search Premier for current articles about the career transition process.
Search for articles about career change on Academic OneFile (Gale), a database accessible from home with your NYPL card number and your PIN.
Doing a general search by typing "career change" or "career transition" in the Search text box will bring thousands of results. However, if you want to be specific, do an Advanced Search to retrieve concrete results. After clicking on Advanced Search, enter the keyword, career, and click on the drop-down option on the right and select Document Title. Use the boolean AND operator and enter the keyword, transition, and select Document Title. This will search for articles that include the keywords career AND transition in their title. Under the MORE OPTIONS heading, check the box for Full-Text Documents. Choose a publication date range and lastly, click on Search. Then, you can sort by Relevance, Newest, or Oldest.
You may search for articles that offer tips for a positive career change on Academic Search Premier, a database accessible from home with your NYPL card number and your PIN.
Look at the picture and read the instructions below on how to use it.
Doing a general search by typing "career change" in the Basic Search text box will bring thousands of results. However, if you want to retrieve specific articles, do an Advanced Search.
These steps will retrieve for articles that include the keywords career change tips on their title.