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Color and Color Theory: Collection Highlights

This guide is for researchers interested in the history, theory and application of color theory.

The Wallach Division of the New York Public Library houses a remarkable array of materials related to color theory. These special items span a variety of formats, including rare books, manuscripts, prints, and visual materials, showcasing the historical and artistic development of color theory. Below are some highlights from the collections that reflect this rich and diverse subject area.

Interaction of Color

Interaction of Color.

Interaction of Color.

Portfolio contains 80 folders of color studies, each printed in as many as 20 colors by seriography and other processes; some include mounted colored paper, some with cutouts.

Munsell Color System

Munsell Book of ColorMunsell Book of Color

Munsell color order system is based on a three-dimensional model depicted in the Munsell color tree. Munsell Color Theory is based on a three-dimensional model in which each color is comprised of three attributes of hue (color itself), value (lightness/darkness) and chroma (color saturation or brilliance).

Picture Collection

Image of a post card

Whether you are looking for inspiration for a design project or wish to study the history of design, the Picture Collection can serve as a great resource to help with your needs. Dating back to 1915, the collection has grown to over 12,000 subject headings thanks to the donations by users and supporters. Images that we receive are categorized into subjects by our expert Librarians.

The Pantone +Plus Series

The Pantone +Plus SeriesThe Pantone +Plus Series 

Two Formula guides, two Color bridge guides, and two CMYK guides are included in each of these fan decks. Providing designers the ability to select, specify, and match colors to their exact designs.

Plochere Color System

Plochere's Color and Color NamesPlochere's Color and Color Names

The color system was developed in 1948 by Gladys and Gustave Plochere to meet the needs of their interior decorating business. The Plochere Color System consists of 1,456 colors derived from 26 basic hues that have been selected to approximate the range of colors in the solar spectrum. 

Print Collection

Schlosser Collection on the History of PapermakingSchlosser Collection on the History of Papermaking

This collection of approximately 3,000 books, drawings and other items from 770 A.D. to the present day documents the history of papermaking with old and new books on the subject, paper samples, and specimen books. This comprehensive collection was assembled by Leonard B. Schlosser, former Chairman of Lindenmeyr Paper Corporation. Items from The Schlosser Collection are catalogued in the Library's online catalog and are available in the Prints and Photographs Study Room (308).