S&P's Capital IQ allows you to screen for companies, equities, business developments, people, and other criteria. There are several ways to do this.
The easiest way is to use the Screening function. From anywhere on Capital IQ, select Screening from the menu options on the ribbon near the top of the screen. From the sub-menu, select the type of screen you want (the options are Companies; Equities; Fixed Income; Key Developments; People; Transactions; and Projects). Once you have selected a group, you will be taken to the screening engine. Note that if you want to change the group you have selected, you can use the ribbon at the top of the engine to change the category.
Use the search box to add the criteria that you want for your screen. Capital IQ will auto-prompt suggestions, which you can select for your screen. Some criteria require you to select sub-criteria, as well. For example, if you select the criteria Company Type, you will be required to select a sub-criteria, such as Private Company or Public Company, as well. In the example below, the single criteria of the screen is Company Type - PublicCompany, which screens for all companies listed in S&P Capital IQ which are public.
You can select as much criteria as you need. Each time you select criteria, click the Add to Screen button. After that, you will see a number, indicating the result of entities that qualify for your screen, to the right of the search box. You can select as much criteria as you need, but be aware that too much criteria may lead to a result total of zero. When you have added all of your criteria, select View Results.
After you have selected all of the criteria for your screen, and received the results, you can add data sets to your list. These do not change the parameters of your screen, but add information to each of the results of your screen. To add data to your results, select the Customize Display Columns tab near the top of the page, next to the View Criteria tab (where you will be after selecting View Results).
From this tab, you can add data sets using the search box underneath the list of the criteria you selected. In the example below, the data set Primary Address has been selected. This has added the primary business address of every company that fit the screen of Company Type - Public. If you choose to download the results of your screen to a spreadsheet, the customized data sets will be included.