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Company Financial Information: Further Research at New York Public Library

Further Research at New York Public Library

Beyond the Business Center's print and online resources, NYPL's Stephen A. Schwarzman Library offers print resources for Company financial information. These resources can only be accessed by visiting the Schwarzman Library in person, and cannot be removed from the Library's Rose Main Reading Room. Read here for further information and instructions on requesting these titles. 

The Schwarzman collection includes the resources detailed below.

Annual Reports

Annual reports before 1956 are in hard copy and are found in the Dictionary Catalog of the Research Libraries (by the corporate name); 1956-1968 (microcard); 1969-1977, 1996 (microfiche) are in call number *XLF-456. As a result of the Sarbannes Oxley Law of 2002 most companies send a 10K report to all shareholder combining it with their annual report. Recent annual reports/10K reports are available from the web sites of most publicly-held companies.


  • Alternative Sources, especially pre-1952 | A scarcer source of financial information about public companies is the microfilm set of Listing Statements of the New York Stock Exchange (Call number *ZAN-T646). Beginning in 1884 these statements publish financial and other information required prior to a company’s listing on the NYSE, a little like an IPO statement. The Library subscribed to this compilation until 1968. Identification of the reel containing your company requires the use of the Index, a copy of which appears here:

  • The Securities Exchange Commission ( | All publicly held companies are required to file annual financial reports with the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC). All current reports are available at SEC's EDGAR Database - Earlier 10-K reports are available in microform from 1978 to 1996 in the call number *XLF-456. They are available on Mergent Online (EIC) from 1996 to date; and through the SEC's EDGAR database. Complete retrospective 10-K reports are only available from the Security and Exchange Commission in Washington, DC, Telephone: 202-942-8090.

Company Data


  • Value Line Investment Survey Weekly. Pt.1 (Summary/Index) Pt.2(Selection/Opinion), Pt. 3(Ratings/Reports). Current cycle in Finance section. Earlier issues available in paper issues, JBM 09-48, (2001 - ) and microfiche *XLE-331 (1980-2001).



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