Why research public companies?
U.S. public companies which trade on the stock market are required to file documents regularly with the SEC (Securities and Exchange Commission). These documents provide the public with detailed information on the company's financial performance, allowing investors to make informed decisions on their investment decisions. The SEC enforces penalties on companies that report false information in SEC filings.
Industry surveys and analysts reports provide research, observation and advice from financial analysts with expertise in their specific area of business. Investors can use these reports to determine which individual stocks, or shares of mutual funds that follow specific industries, to buy or sell.
The resources below are our best resources for general research on public companies and industries. Subsequent tabs include links to databases best used for that particular subject heading. Most of the resources listed here are available on-site only, at the Science, Industry and Business Library (SIBL).
Bloomberg Professional offers financial markets pricing, data, analytics, and news. This service is located at the Library's Thomas Yoseloff Business Center, a generous gift of Bloomberg, L.P. Sign up onsite at the Business Center, or for an advance reservation, sign up through a consultation with a librarian at the Thomas Yoseloff Business Center. Note: Access is for viewing only. Printing, downloading or electronic reproduction of any Bloomberg content or screens is prohibited.
You must make a reservation to use our Bloomberg Terminals. To make a reservation in advance for up to two hours, please email bizcenter@nypl.org or call 212-592-7057.
Information on more than 21,000 US and international companies, including 10,000 NYSE, AMEX and Nasdaq exchange companies. All SEC (EDGAR) filings and domestic and international annual reports are included. Dates of Coverage: 1996-present. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Provides in-depth financial information on companies, equities, fixed income, industry reports, SEC filings, interest rates, commodities, screening for stocks and mutual funds and more. Includes publications: S&P Analysts Handbook, S&P Bond Guide, S&P Corporation Records, S&P Stock Reports, Stovall Sectors. Provides sophisticated retrieval tools to create reports. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**