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Bloomberg Terminal: Comparative Returns

A basic introduction to the Bloomberg Terminal

How Can I Find Comparative Returns?

To find comparative returns between different public securities or indexes, type COMP, and then press the GO key.  

There are six fields under the heading Security, on the upper left side of the screen. You can compare returns of up to six securities or indexes using these boxes, including comparing indexes with securities. Using the Security fields, type in a symbol and country code, and press the corresponding security type with the yellow keys. Next, select your range and period using the Range and Period fields on the top middle of the  screen. Lastly, press the GO key. 

Benchmark Comparative Returns

To compare a security's returns to its benchmark index, major competitors and industry groups, when available, type the company's symbol, then country code, next the EQUITY key, then type COMP, and press the GO key. For the example below, type MSFT US EQUITY COMP GO