According to the European Union's official website the union's purpose is to: promote peace, establish a unified economic and monetary system, promote inclusion, combat discrimination, break down barriers to trade and borders, encourage technological and scientific developments, and champion environmental protection. It's a coalition of 28 European countries, designed to tear down trade, economic and social barriers. As of August 2020, the United Kingdom is still negotiating an exit from the European Union.
Details and contact information for libraries, museums, higher education centers, and other research institutions worldwide. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Statista - Statistics and Studies from more than 18,000 Sources. Aggregates statistics and data sets from various international free and proprietary sources, including industry and marketing. Data sets can be displayed in multiple graphical formats.
This database covers international literature on economics. It includes more than 700 full-text journals; 15 full-text books, including "The Handbook of World Trade"; and complete indexing. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Includes content from more than 20,000 news sources, including newspapers, TV transcripts, newswires, and business magazines.
**Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Eurostat is the statistical office of the European Union. The website allows you to browse statistics by theme, statistics A - Z, and experimental statistics.