Currency exchange is a business that has the legal right to exchange one currency for another for its customers. This may be offered as part of the services provided by a bank, forex broker, or other financial institution. Currency exchange services are also offered online. These businesses profit from their services either through adjusting the exchange rate, charging fees, or both.
Provides in-depth financial information on companies, equities, fixed income, industry reports, SEC filings, interest rates, commodities, screening for stocks and mutual funds and more. Includes publications: S&P Analysts Handbook, S&P Bond Guide, S&P Corporation Records, S&P Stock Reports, Stovall Sectors. Provides sophisticated retrieval tools to create reports (Formerly database title listed was "Standard & Poor's Net Advantage.). **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Includes content from more than 20,000 news sources, including newspapers, TV transcripts, newswires, and business magazines.
**Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
This database covers international literature on economics. It includes more than 700 full-text journals; 15 full-text books, including "The Handbook of World Trade"; and complete indexing. **Patrons should read the Terms & Conditions and Privacy Policy of this resource before searching.**
Eurostat Exchange and Interest Rates - The website contains the exchange rates, interest rates, highlights with statistical articles, and visual graphics. This site also allows direct access to the complete database, information on data, glossary, methodology, and links for future information.
FXConverter: 164 Currency Converter Daily 1990- This gives daily exchange rates (high, medium, and low) for 164 currencies.
Forex exchanges allow for 24/7 trading in currency pairs, making it the world's largest and most liquid asset market.