As NYC continues to develop, environmental and health concerns for our communities are ever-present. When viewing maps that highlight this type of data, you can answer questions like:
To answer some of these questions, please see below for examples related to specific types of hazards as they pertain to NYC's residents.
Quick Links to Each Section on Page:
Water Hazard Zones | Air Quality Zones | Heat Zones | Health Zones
Online Research Catalog
When using the Online Research Catalog:
Additional and current maps can be found through various NYC government websites. Please see below for a selection:
Hurricane Evacuation Zone Finder via NYC Emergency Management
To find supplementary books and documents related to water harzard zones, please conduct the searches listed on this page's "Catalog Tips" with "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked in our Online Research Catalog. You might also want to do an additional search that is more broad, under:
From these results, you can also checkmark any of the other listed formats. See below for a list of recommended materials:
For current information on air quality in New York City, please utilize Data Explorer from NYC's Environment and Health Data Portal. In each topic, you will have a panel on the left, where you can scroll through relevant datasets. When you click on each dataset, the section on the right will change to reflect said dataset, alongside the headings "Summary," "Map," "Trend," and "Links."
Not all datasets will have an accompanying map. These cases will be notated below.
Courtesy of Black Carbon dataset on Data Explorer
To find supplementary books and documents related to air quality in NYC, please conduct the following searches in our Online Research Catalog "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked:
See below for a list of recommended materials:
For current information on air quality in New York City, please utilize Data Explorer from NYC's Environment and Health Data Portal. In each topic, you will have a panel on the left, where you can scroll through relevant datasets. When you click on each dataset, the section on the right will change to reflect said dataset, alongside the headings "Summary," "Map," "Trend," and "Links."
Not all datasets will have an accompanying map. These cases will be notated below.
Courtesy of Heat stress: hospitalizations dataset on Data Explorer
To find supplementary books and documents related to the changing climate of New York City, please conduct the following broad searches in our Online Research Catalog "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked:
See below for a list of recommended materials:
For current information on air quality in New York City, please utilize Data Explorer from NYC's Environment and Health Data Portal. In each topic, you will have a panel on the left, where you can scroll through relevant datasets. When you click on each dataset, the section on the right will change to reflect said dataset, alongside the headings "Summary," "Map," "Trend," and "Links."
Not all datasets will have an accompanying map. These cases will be notated below.
Courtesy of Postponing health care dataset on Data Explorer
To find supplementary books and documents related to health in NYC, please conduct the following searches in our Online Research Catalog "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked:
See below for a list of recommended materials:
New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene