Within New York City, there are a number of districts that are zoned for various political offices. Using maps to get a better understanding of these political divisions within a neighborhood, you can answer questions like:
To answer these types of questions, please see below for examples of the different political district types.
Quick Links to Each Section on Page:
Defining Political Districts | Election Districts | Assembly Districts | Senatorial Districts | City Council Districts | Congressional Districts | Community Districts | Municipal Court Districts
For the political districts that are listed on this page, please see below to review what functions that they serve within our local, state, or federal government:
For any additional questions about voting in NYC that extend past cartographic materials, we do recommend contacting the Irma and Paul Milstein Division of United States History, Local History and Genealogy at history@nypl.org for any questions you might have.
When using the Online Research Catalog:
For maps of current election districts in New York City, please refer to the following resources:
Image Source: Map from New York City voting places, 1855 / Gertrude A. Barber. [1855?] Map Div.+ (New York City. 1855) (New York City voting places, 1855)
To find supplementary books and documents related to election districts, please conduct the searches listed on this page's "Catalog Tips" with "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked in our Online Research Catalog. From these results, you can also checkmark any of the other listed formats. See below for a list of recommended materials when "Text" is checkmarked:
When using the Online Research Catalog:
For maps of current assembly districts in New York City, please refer to the following resources:
Image Source: Map of the county of Kings, showing the Assembly districts, October 1869. [1869]. NYPL Digital Collections Image ID 4056204
To find supplementary books and documents related to assembly districts, please conduct the searches listed on this page's "Catalog Tips" with "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked in our Online Research Catalog. From these results, you can also checkmark any of the other listed formats. See below for a list of recommended materials when "Text" is checkmarked:
When using the Online Research Catalog:
For additional maps of current New York senatorial districts, please refer to the following resources:
Image Source: Inset map from Census of the State of New York, 1855: showing the new senatorial & assembly districts 1857. NYPL Digital Collections Image ID 5564125. (Red lines and numbers indicate Senatorial Districts)
To find supplementary books and documents related to senatorial districts, please conduct the searches listed on this page's "Catalog Tips" with "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked in our Online Research Catalog. From these results, you can also checkmark any of the other listed formats. See below for a list of recommended materials:
When using the Online Research Catalog:
For additional maps of current city council districts in New York City, please refer to the following resources:
When using the Online Research Catalog:
For maps of current congressional districts in New York City, please refer to "Current NYC District Maps" on the Board of Elections in the City of New York.
Image Source: New York City, 8th Congressional District. 1875. NYPL Digital Collections Image ID 5059812
To find supplementary books and documents related to congressional districts, please conduct the searches listed on this page's "Catalog Tips" with "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked in our Online Research Catalog. From these results, you can also checkmark any of the other listed formats. See below for a list of recommended materials:
When using the Online Research Catalog:
For maps of current community districts and their accompanying boards in New York City, please refer to:
Image Source: Queens Community District 4's Built Environment tab on NYC Planning's Community District Profiles
To find supplementary books and documents related to community board districts, please conduct the following keyword search in our Online Research Catalog. Do NOT checkmark "Cartographic" for these searches - from these results, you can also checkmark any of the other listed formats.:
See below for a list of recommended materials:
When using the Online Research Catalog:
For maps of current municipal court districts in New York City, please refer to "Current NYC District Maps" on the Board of Elections in the City of New York.
Image Source: Map of the borough of Brooklyn, City of New York : [showing assembly, aldermanic, and municipal court districts]. NYPL Digital Collections Image ID 5003327 (Municipal Court Districts outlined in orange)
To find supplementary books and documents related to municipal courts, please conduct the searches listed on this page's "Catalog Tips" with "Cartographic" NOT checkmarked in our Online Research Catalog. From these results, you can also checkmark any of the other listed formats. See below for a list of recommended materials: