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Graphic Design Resources at The New York Public Library: About

by General Research Division and Art and Architecture Collection


The field of graphic design is a unique, communicative discipline where imagery, text, and symbolism come together to express a concise idea. The history of visual communication embodies prehistoric cave arthieroglyphics, medieval calligraphy, the Gutenberg press, and of course, the modern day digital era. This guide will explore the Library's vast collection of design elements, typography, logo design, and infographics, as well as the history of graphic design and provide collection highlights for inspiration.

Graphic Design Movements

Reference Librarians

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General Research Librarians:

Art and Architecture Collection:

476 Fifth Avenue (42nd St and Fifth Ave)
Third Floor, Room 300
New York, NY 10018

Social: Facebook Page Twitter Page Instagram Page

Subjects: ArchitectureArtPhotographyGeneral Humanities DivisionHumanities and Social Sciences