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Yiddish Research: Landsmanshaftn

Yiddish research guide covering general resources, article and books, folklore, genealogy, linguistics, literature, music and dance, oral history, theater, film, radio, translation and student resources.



From dances and banquets to health insurance and free loan societies, landmanshaftn helped immigrants in New York and many U.S. cities. Landsmanshaftn are Jewish community organizations of immigrants from the same city in Eastern or Central Europe.

The Library has about 200 publications of landsmanshaftn, including souvenir journals (which often include photos of members and background information), as well as constitutions and by-laws. These publications  provide important information for genealogical research and for understanding immigrant life.

Those researching landsmanshaftn may also wish to explore the Library's collection of yizkor books (Holocaust memorial books). Most yizkor books focus primarily on interwar life in the old country, and are also an important source for connecting survivors and landslayt around the world.

For further reading about landsmanshaftn, please consult the books below. 

Amdur see Indura              
Amshenov see Mszczonow              
Antonuvka see Bisk              
Ashmiany Belarus Oshmaner Brothers Mutual Aid and Benevolent Assn. Thirty-fourth anniversary 1925 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 3 no. 7  
Baranavichy Belarus Musher-Baranowicher Benevolent Association Finf-un-tsvantsig-yohriger yubileum 1929 Yiddish *PYP (Musher-Baranowicher. 1929)  
Baranovich see Baranavichy              
Belozerka Ukraine First Bilizerker Wolyner Benevolent Society Fifteenth anniversary 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 13 no. 7  
Belozerka Ukraine International Workers Order. Bielotzerkover Branch 17 Eighth annual ball 1938 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 6  
Belz Ukraine First Belzer Bessarabier Sick Benevolent Assn. Grand annual ball 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 13 no. 5  
Bereza Belarus Kartuz-Berezer Social and Benevolent Association Thirtieth anniversary banquet 1924 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 10 no. 12  
Bereza Belarus Kartuz-Berezer Social and Benevolent Association Fortieth anniversary 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 10 no. 11  
Bessarabia Moldova and Ukraine Bessarabian Young Men's Benevolent and Educational Club 35th anniversary 1938 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 6 no. 4  
Bialystok Poland Bialystoker Bricklayers Progressive Benevolent Association (New York, N.Y.) Der Byalisṭoḳer fundamenṭ : spetsyeler zshurnal lekoved dem 25 yohrigen yubileyum fun di Byalisṭoḳer Briḳleyers Prog. Beneṿ. Asosieyshon 1930 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1 no. 3 [Microfilm]  
Bialystok Poland Bialystoker Bricklayers Progressive Benevolent Association (New York, N.Y.) Der Byalisṭoḳer fundamenṭ : aroysgegeben lekoved dem draysig yorigen yubileum banḳeṭ fun di Byalisṭoḳer Briḳleyers Progresiṿ Beneṿolenṭ Assn., Monṭag, dem 10ṭen Marṭsh, 1935 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1 no. 4   
Bialystok Poland Bialystoker Center (New York, N.Y.) The activities of the Bialystoker community in America : a historical outline 1934 English *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 1  
Bialystok Poland Bialystoker Unterstitzungs Verein Somech Noflim (New York, N.Y.) 50 yohr Byalisṭoḳer "Somekh Noflim"  : a geshikhṭlikher iberbliḳ 1936 YIddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 4  
Bielozierka see Belozerka              
Birobidzhan Russia International Workers Order. Biro Bidzshan Brenṭsh 37. Biro Bidzshan Brenṭsh 37, Inṭernatsyonaler Arbeṭer Orden: finf yoriḳer yubiley 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 8  
Birz/Birzai? Lithuania Congregation Adath Israel Anshei Birz Konstitushion n.d. Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 3 no. 2  
Bisk Ukraine Bisker Bene Berit Kranken Untershtitsungs Ferayn Konstitutsyon 1921 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 26 no. 1 **P 01-82
Bobrinits Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Lider, Iṿyer un Bobrinitser Brenṭsh 194. Der shṭarḳer : aroysgegeben fun Lider, Iṿyer un Bobrinitser Brensh 194, Arbeyṭer Ring : lekoved dem 30 yehrigen yubileum 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 10  
Bocki Poland Bodker Unterstuetzungs Verein Gezets bukh 1935 Yiddish *PYP (Bodker. 1935)  
Bodki see Bocki              
Bogopol [Pervomaysk] Ukraine Bogopoler Unterstuetzungs Verein Amendment und baylage 1897 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 3 no. 6  
Bogopol [Pervomaysk] Ukraine Bogopoler Unterstuetzungs Verein Konstitutsyon 1895 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 3 no. 8  
Boguslav Ukraine Boslover Benevolent Association Thirty-fifth anniversary 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 3 no. 9  
Boguslav Ukraine Hevrah Ahavat Ahim Anshe Bohuslav ve-Karsin Konstitutsyon 1914 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 34 no. 7 **P 01-133
Bohuslav see Boguslav              
Boslov see Boguslav              
Brest Belarus United Brisker Relief Committee First annual ball 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 10  
Brest Belarus United Brisker Relief Committee Brisker bol zshurnal 1948 Yiddish *PYP 92-1230  
Brest Belarus International Workers Order. Brisḳer-Ṭshekhanoṿitser brenṭsh 15. Unzer ṿorṭ  aroysgegebn fun di 2 brenṭshes, Brisḳer brenṭsh 286 Arbẹṭer ring, Brisḳer-Ṭshekhanoṿitser brenṭsh 15 Inṭernatsyonal Arbeṭer ordn, tsum fareynigṭn bol, bebruar 27, 1937 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1, no. 5   
Brisk see Brest              
Brzeziny Poland Breziner Sick and Benevolent Society Brezshin 1946 Yiddish *PYP (Breziner. 1946)  
Buchach Ukraine United Buczaczer Ladies Auxiliary Souvenir journal 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 6 no. 6  
Bukovina Romania/Ukraine Bukowinaer Center Benevolent Society Fifteenth anniversary 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 11 no. 4  
Bukovina Romania/Ukraine Bukowiner Bessarabier Unterst. Verein Twenty-fifth anniversary 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 3 no. 10  
Busk Ukraine New York-Boston-Busker Relief Association Souvenir journal n.d. English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 1  
Busk Ukraine Busker Orphan Asylum Souvenir journal 1926 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 5  
Busk Ukraine New York-Boston-Busker Relief Association Souvenir journal 1929 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 3  
Busk Ukraine New York-Boston-Busker Relief Association Souvenir journal 1930 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 2  
Busk Ukraine Busker Bnei Brith Sick Benevolent Association Twenty-fifth anniversary 1937 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 4  
Calarasi Romania Kalarasher Bessaraber Progressive Assn. 18-yeriger yubileum 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 3 no. 11  
Cernowitze see Chernivtsi              
Chenstochov see Czestochowa              
Chelm (Lublin) Poland Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Chelmer Branch 585. Tsṿantsiḳsṭer yubiley, 1916-1936, Khelmer brenṭsh 585 Arbeyṭer Ring 1936 Yiddish  *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1-3  
Cherkasy Ukraine Cherkasser Progressive Ladies Auxiliary Konstitushon 1934 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 27 no. 1 **P 01-123
Chernelitsa Ukraine First Chernelitzer Sick Benevolent Association Thirtieth anniversary banquet 1936 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 1  
Chernivtsi Ukraine Independent Order Brith Abraham. Czernowitz Bukowiner Lodge no. 70 Neben-gezettse 1897 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 2 no. 6  
Chernivtsi Ukraine Chernowitz Podolier Aid Assn. 25th anniversary 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 11 no. 5  
Chisinau Moldova Independent Kisheneff Benevolent Society 20th anniversary banquet 1938 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 2  
Chmielnik Poland Chmielniker Sick and Benevolent Society Fifth annual banquet 1931 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 3 no. 6  
Chmielnik Poland United Chmielniker Relief Committee First annual ball 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 5  
Chodorow see Khodoriv              
Choroszcz Poland Congregation Mogen David Anshe Choroszcz Konstitushon 1888 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 23 no. 5 **P 01-72
Chortkiv Ukraine Czortkower Rabbi Schapiro Kranken Unterstuetzungs Verein Yubileum-bukh 1932 Yiddish *PYP (Czortkower. 1932)  
Ciechanowiec. Poland International Workers Order. Brisḳer-Ṭshekhanoṿitser brenṭsh 15. Unzer ṿorṭ : aroysgegebn fun di 2 brenṭshes, Brisḳer brenṭsh 286 Arbẹṭer ring, Brisḳer-Ṭshekhanoṿitser brenṭsh 15 Inṭernatsyonal Arbeṭer ordn, tsum fareynigṭn bol, bebruar 27, 1937 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1, no. 5  
Czestochowa Poland United Czenstochover Relief Committee Grand ball 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 1  
Czernowitz see Chernivtsi              
Czortkow see Chortkiv              
Czyzewo see Tshizev              
Daugavpils see Dvinsk                
Dauhinava Belarus Dolhinower Young Men's Benevolent & Educational Association Konstitushon 1915 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 24 no. 4 **P 01-77  
Dnipropetrovsk see Katerynoslav                
Dolhinov see Dauhinava                
Dvinsk  Russia Workmen's Circle. Dvinsker Bundistisher Brentsh 75 Sovenir 1934 Yiddish *PYO (Workmen's Circle. Branch no. 75. 1934)    
Dvinsk  Russia Workmen's Circle. Dvinsker Bundistisher Brentsh 75 Zamelbukh 1924 Yiddish *PYO (Workmen's Circle. Branch no. 75. 1924)    
Dzerzhinsk Belarus Kaydanover Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1899 Yiddish *PYP (Kaydanover. 1899)    
Dzerzhinsk Belarus Independent Koidenover Benevolent Association 35th anniversary 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 18 no. 7    
Ekaterinoslav see Katerynoslav                
Filesti  Romania Independent Ershter Fileshter Besserabier Kranken Untershtitsungs Ferayn Konstitutsyon 1900 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 32 no. 2 **P 01-135  
Glussk see Hlusk                
Gniewoszow Poland First Independent Progressive Gnovoshover Society Konstitushon betw. 1915 and 1931 Yiddish *PYP (First Independent Progressive Gnovoshover)    
Gnovoshov see Gniewoszow                
Goniadz Poland Goniondzer-Trestiner Young Friends Benevolent Association Konstitutsye 1928 Yiddish *PYP (Goniondzer-Trestiner. 1928)    
Gorodishche see Horodishche                
Goshcha see Hoshcha                
Grajewo Poland Grayeṿer Yong Mens Unṭershṭitsung Fareyn (New York, N.Y.) Draysig yohr Grayeṿer yong Mens 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 5    
Grodzisk Poland Grodzisker Mutual Aid Society Souvenir journal 1929 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 2    
Grodzisk Poland Grodzisker Mutual Aid Society Souvenir journal 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 6 no. 2    
Gwozdziec Poland Independent Gwozdziecer Congregation Miting kalendar 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 24 no. 2 **P 01-75  
Hlusk Belarus Hevrat Bet Yisrael Anshe Hlusk Konstitushon 1933 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 21 no. 3 **P 01-89  
Homel Belarus Homler Brothers Society Souvenir journal 1936 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 5 no. 1    
Horodishche Ukraine Horodishtser Broders Benevolent Association Twenty-sixth annual ball 1926 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 8    
Horodishche Ukraine Horodishtser Broders Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1930 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 33 no. 2 **P 01-100  
Hoshcha Ukraine Hoshcha Society Konstitushon 1929 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 22 no. 5    
Indura Belarus Amdurer Benevolent Association Eighteenth anniversary 1930 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 6    
Iŭe Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Lider, Iṿyer un Bobrinitser Brenṭsh 194. Der shṭarḳer : aroysgegeben fun Lider, Iṿyer un Bobrinitser Brensh 194, Arbeyṭer Ring : lekoved dem 30 yehrigen yubileum 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 10    
Jarmolince see Yarmolintsy                
Jozefow Poland Yozefower Ordinatzkie Benevolent Society Konstitushon 1910 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 21 no. 7 **P 01-92  
Kaidan see Kedainiai                
Kaidanovo see Dzerzhinsk                
Kalarash see Calarasi                
Kalush Ukraine Ershte Kalusher Galitsyen Lodzsh num. 10 Neben-gezettse 1897 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 35 no. 1 **P 01-93  
Kalushin see Kaluszyn                
Kaluszyn Poland Independent Kalushiner Benevolent Association 30th anniversary banquet 1935 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 4 no. 5    
Kamenets de-Lita see Kamianets                
Kamenets Podolski see Kamianets-Podilskyi                
Kamianets Belarus Kamenetz Litovsker Unterstitzung Verein Konstitushon 1901 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 25 no. 2 **P 01-67  
Kamianets  Belarus Hevrah Kokhav Yaakov Anshe Komenits de-Lita Konstitushyon 1892 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 34 no. 3 **P 01-129  
Kamianets-Podilskyi Ukraine Independent Kamenetz Podolier Society Konstitushon 1935 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 34 no. 5 **P 01-131  
Kartoz Brezah see Bereza                
Katerynoslav Ukraine Women's Mutual Aid Society of Ekaterinoslav Twentieth anniversary 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 5    
Kaunas Lithuania Kovner Benevolent Society Konstitushyon 1908 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 24 no. 5 **P 01-78  
Kedainiai Lithuania Keidaner Association Kaydan 1930 Yiddish *PYP (Keidaner Association. 1930)  
Khodoriv Ukraine Independent Chodorower Young Men's Benevolent Society Konstitutsye 1930 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 23 no. 1 **P 01-70
Khotyn Ukraine Chotiner Hospital Moshev Zkenim Relief Souvenir journal 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 7  
Kielce Poland Kieltzer Sick Benevolent Society Reception dance 1937 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 7 no. 3  
Kiev Ukraine Kiever Independent Benevolent Association Souvenir journal 1933 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 10 no. 5  
Kiev Ukraine Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Branch 25 (New York, N.Y.) Ḳieṿer reṿolutsyonerer Brenṭsh 25, A.R.: 1906-1935, draysiḳ-yoriḳer yubileum, Shabes oṿnṭ, 24ṭn Oḳṭober, 1936. 1936 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1 no. 7  
Kishinev see Chisinau              
Kletsk Belarus Independent Kletzker Brotherly Aid Association Konstitutsye 1893 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 23 no. 6 **P 01-73
Kletsk Belarus Independent Kletzker Brotherly Aid Association 40th anniversary 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 10 no. 10  
Koidanovo see Dzerzhinsk              
Kolno (Łomża) Poland Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Ḳolner Rad. Brenṭsh 363. Tsṿantsig yehrlikher yubileum banḳeṭ un enṭerṭeynmenṭ gegeben bay di Ḳolner Rad. Brenṭsh 363 Arbeyṭer Ring. 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 11  
Komenitz de-Lita see Kamianets              
Koriv see Kurow              
Kossow Poland Polish Kossover Young Men's Progressive Association Twentieth annual banquet 1934 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 5 no. 4  
Kovno see Kaunas              
Kraziai Lithuania Agudat Bene Kodesh Anshe Kroz Konstitutsyon 1900 Yiddish JAX H-2568  
Kremenchuk Ukraine First Krementshuger Benevolent Association 25th anniversary 1922 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 11 no. 1  
Krivazer see Kryve Ozero              
Krivoye Ozero see Kryve Ozero              
Kroz see Kraziai              
Krynki Poland Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Ḳrinḳer Brenṭsh 389. Di Ḳrinḳer : aroysgegeben tsum tsehnṭen yehrlikhen yubileum fun di Ḳrinḳer Brenṭsh 389 Arbeyṭer Ring : Shabes abend, 24ṭen Yanuar, 1920 1920 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 12  
Kryve Ozero Ukraine Krivozer Fraternal Society of Greater New York Konstitushon 1935 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 21 no. 6 **P 01-91
Krzywcza Poland First Krzywcza Am. San. S.B. Assn. Souvenir journal 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 6 no. 5  
Kshivcha see Krzywcza              
Kupel Ukraine Kupiler Young Men's Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1936 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 25 no. 5 **P 01-69
Kurow Poland Independent Korwer Progressive Young Men's Benevolent Aid Society Konstitushon 1931 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 25 no. 1 **P 01-66
Lahishyn Belarus Telechaner Swentevolier Sick & Benevolent Society Konstitushon 1934 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 27 no. 3 **P 01-125
Lespezi Romania Lespezier Benevolent Society Second annual dinner 1925 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 7  
Lespezi Romania Lespezier Benevolent Society Souvenir journal 1928 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 14 no. 2  
Levertov see Lubartow              
Lida Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Lider, Iṿyer un Bobrinitser Brenṭsh 194. Der shṭarḳer : aroysgegeben fun Lider, Iṿyer un Bobrinitser Brensh 194, Arbeyṭer Ring : lekoved dem 30 yehrigen yubileum 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 10  
Lipkany Moldova Lipkaner Bessarabier Progressive Society First annual banquet 1936 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 4 no. 4  
Lomza Poland International Workers Order. Lomzer Branch 66. Souvenir journal 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 3 no. 4  
Lovitsh see Lowicz              
Lowicz Poland Chevra Bnei Menachem David Anshei Lovitz-Warschauer Souvenir journal 1936 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 18 no. 5  
Lowicz Poland Hevrah Bene Menahem David Anshe Lovitsh-Varshaver Miting kalendar 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 30 no. 4 **P 01-110
Lowicz Poland Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Loṿiṭsher progresiṿ yong men's brenṭsh 465. Tsṿanstig yehriger yubileum fun Loṿiṭsher progresiṿ yong men's brenṭsh 465 Arbeyṭer ring 1930 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1, no. 2 [Microfilm]  
Luban Germany Hevrah Shomre emunah anshe Luban Konstitushion 1909 Yiddish *PYP (Hevrah Shomre emunah. 1909)  
Lubartow Poland Ershte Levertover Progresive Ferayn Konstitushon 1911 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 34 no. 4 **P 01-130
Luber see Lyubar              
Lublin Poland United Lubliner Relief Purim ball  1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 9  
Lubtz see Lyubcha              
Lutsk Ukraine United Lutzker Young Men's and Ladies' Assn. Souvenir journal 1925 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 13 no. 10  
Lutsk Ukraine First Lutzker Benevolent Association 25th anniversary 1926 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 10 no. 6  
Lutsk Ukraine Independent Lutzker Aid Society Souvenir journal 1927 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 10 no. 7  
Lyubar Ukraine First Luberer Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1895 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 31 no. 2 **P 01-104
Lyubar Ukraine First Luberer Benevolent Association 43rd anniversary banquet 1938 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 3  
Lyubcha Belarus Congregation Kahal Adas Jeshurun with Anshe Lubtz Constitution 1913 English, Yiddish **P 88-1388  
Mahiliou Belarus Mohilev on Dnieper & Vicinity Moshav Zkeinim Testimonial dinner 1936 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 6 no. 3  
Mahiliou Belarus Mohilev on Dnieper & Vicinity Moshav Zkeinim Souvenir journal 1937 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 4 no. 1  
Makow Mazowiecki Poland Independent Makower Young Men's Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1930 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 31 no. 1 **P 01-103
Maladzechna Belarus Hevrah Mevakshe Shalom Anshe Molodetsne Konstitushon 1890 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 32 no. 5 **P 01-137
Maramures Romania Federation of Marmaros Jews in America Fiftieth anniversary banquet 1974 English, Yiddish JAX H-5351  
Maramures Romania Marmaros Young Men's Aid Society Sixtieth anniversary  1972 English *PYP 91-4923  
Mazyr (Homelʹska︠i︡a voblastsʹ) Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Branch 64 (New York, N.Y.) Der Mazirer: aroysgegeben tsum 30 yohrigen yubileum fun Mazirer Revolutsyonerer Br. 64 A.R. 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1 no. 8  
Meseritz see Mezhirichi              
Mezhirichi Ukraine Meseritzer Ladies Aid Society Konstitushon 1925 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 32 no. 7 **P 01-139
Mezhyrichchia  Ukraine Independent Meseritzer Young Men's Association Konstitushon 1926 Yiddish *PYP (Independent Meseritzer. 1926)  
Meziritsh see Mezhyrichchia              
Milaytchitz see Milejczyce              
Milejczyce Poland Mileichicher Brotherly Aid Society Konstitushon 1907 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 27 no. 5 **P 01-126
Minsk Belarus Minsker Young Friends Benevolent Association Thirtieth anniversary 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 4 no. 6  
Mishnits see Myszyniec              
Mlawe Poland Independent Mlawer Benevolent Society Akht un tsantsig yohriger yubileum 1934 Yiddish *ZP-*PXY n.c. 14 no. 2  
Mogelnitse see Mogielnica              
Mogielnica Poland Independent Mogelnitzer Benevolent Association Konstitutsyon 1910 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 34 no. 6 **P 01-132
Mohilev see Mahiliou              
Molodechno see Maladzechna              
Monastyriska Ukraine Chevra Yad Choruzim Anshei Monasterzyska 50 yoriker yubileyum 1941 Yiddish *ZP-*PBM n.c. 31 no. 8  
Mszczonow Poland Amschenover Independent Benevolent Society Yubiley zshurnal 1941 Yiddish *PYP+ (Amschenover. 1941)  
Mush see Novaya Mysh              
Myszyniec Poland Progressive Mishnitzer Young Men's Konstitushon betw. 1911 and 1931 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 33 no. 1 **P 01-99
Myszyniec Poland Progressive Mishnitzer Young Men's Twentieth anniversary 1936 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 8  
Narewka Mala Poland Narevker Untershtitsungs Ferayn Konstitushon 1900 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 35 no. 6 **P 01-98
Nikolayev Ukraine Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Branch 366 (New York, N.Y.) Niḳolayeṿer Podolier Brenṭsh 366 A.R.: 1911-1936, 25-yohriger yubileum, Shabes oṿend, 14ṭen Noṿember, 1936. 1936 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1 no. 6  
Novaya Mysh Belarus Musher-Baranowicher Benevolent Association Finf-un-tsvantsig-yohriger yubileum 1929 Yiddish *PYP (Musher-Baranowicher. 1929)  
Novo Radomsk see Radomsko              
Novosely︠t︡s︠i︡a (Chernive︠t︡sʹka oblastʹ) Ukraine Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Branch 498 (New York, N.Y.) Noṿoselitser Besarabier Prog. Br. 498 Arbeyṭer Ring : aroysgegeben tsum 25 yohrigen yubileum fayerung, Shabes, dem 15ṭen Yanuar, 1938 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1 no. 10  
Novyye Strelishcha Ukraine Strelisker Young Mens Benevolent Society Thirtieth anniversary 1935 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 6  
Obertyn Ukraine Erste Obertyner Kranken… Verein Souvenir journal 1936 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 13 no. 6  
Ochota Poland Ochoter Warschauer Young Men's Progressive Association Konstitushon n.d. Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 28 no. 1 **P 01-116
Orinin Ukraine First Orininer Young Ladies Society Konstitushon 1929 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 26 no. 7 **P 01-86
Oshmana see Ashmiany              
Ostrow Poland Hevrah Bakesh Shalom Anshe Ostrove Konstitushon 1930 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 26 no. 5 **P 01-84
Ozeryany Ukraine First Yezierzaner Sick Benevolent Association Konstitushon after 1897 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 30 no. 1 **P 01-107
Ozeryany Ukraine First Yezierzaner Sick Benevolent Association 35th anniversary 1933 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 5 no. 6  
Ozeryany Ukraine First Yezierzaner Sick Benevolent Association Fortieth anniversary 1938 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 5 no. 5  
Panevezys Lithuania United Brethren of Ponivesh Forty-fifth anniversary 1935 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 11  
Pilov see Pulawy              
Pinchov see Pinczow              
Pinczow Poland Erste Pinchover Kranken… Verein 30th anniversary 1937 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 10  
Pogrebishche see Pohrebyshche              
Pohrebyshche Ukraine First Pogrebishter Benevolent Society Souvenir journal 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 4  
Poltava Ukraine First Poltaver Brotherly Aid Society 33rd anniversary 1936 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 11 no. 12  
Ponivez see Panevezys              
Porozovo Belarus Porozover Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1918 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 21 no. 2 **P 01-88
Praga (Warsaw) Poland Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Prager-Ṿarshaṿer Brenṭsh 386. Yubiley-suṿenir aroysgegebn tsum 20-yoriḳn yubiley fun Prager-Ṿarshaṿer Brenṭsh 386 Arbeṭer Ring  1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 9  
Proskuriv Ukraine First Proskurover Young Mens Progressive Assn. Thirtieth anniversary 1934 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 12 no. 7  
Pulawy Poland Independent First Pilover K.U.V. Konstitushon 1930 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 26 no. 4 **P 01-83
Pulawy Poland Independent First Pilover K.U.V. Twenty-fifth anniversary 1931 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 4 no. 2  
Radekhiv Ukraine First Radziechower Unterstitzung Verein Konstitushon 1935 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 27 no. 6 **P 01-127
Radom  Poland United Radomer Relief Third anniversary banquet 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 2 no. 1  
Radomsko  Poland Nowo-Radomsker Society Novo-Radomsker almanakh 1939 Yiddish *PYP (Nowo-Radomsker Society. 1939)  
Radomsko  Poland Nowo-Radomsker Society Souvenir journal 1935 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 2 no. 3  
Radomsko  Poland Nowo-Radomsker Society Souvenir journal 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 7 no. 2  
Radzichov see Radekhiv              
Rakau Belarus Rakower Young Men's Benevolent Association Konstitushon n.d. Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 24 no. 7 **P 01-79
Rakau Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Rakower Branch 428. Di Mureṿanḳe  1928 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 13  
Rakau Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Rakower Branch 428. Raḳoṿ 1930 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 14  
Rakau Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Rakower Branch 428. Salominke 1925 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 3  
Rakau Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Rakower Branch 428. 20 yoriger yubileum Raḳoṿer Brenṭsh 428 Arbeyṭer Ring : yubileum zshurnal. 1936 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 16  
Rakau Belarus Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Rakower Branch 428. Zasloṿer gesel 1932 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 15  
Rakov see Rakau               
Rimanov see Rymanow              
Rozanka see Rozhanka              
Rozhanka Belarus Independent Rozanker Untershtitsungs Ferayn Konstitushon 1904 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 31 no. 5 **P 01-106
Rymanow Poland Rymanower Young Men's Benevolent Association 35th anniversary 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 7 no. 5  
Satanov Ukraine Satanover Benevolent Society Konstitushon 1937 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 21 no. 1 **P 01-87
Satmar see Satu Mare              
Satu Mare Romania Szatmar and Vicinity Hungarian Sick & Benevolent Society 25th anniversary banquet 1935 Hungar-ian *ZP-*PYP n.c. 7 no. 1  
Seda Lithuania Shater Progressive Beneveolent Association Souvenir album 1934 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 2 no. 2  
Sedziszow Poland First Shendishover Galician Society Konstitutsye 1936 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 29 no. 5 **P 01-114
Sedziszow Poland Young Men's and Ladies' Shendishover Organization Relief banquet 1941 English *ZP-*PBM n.c. 31 no. 7  
Sekhistov see Sukhostav              
Semenivka Ukraine Semionoveker Benevolent Society Souvenir journal 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 14 no. 1  
Semionovka see Semenivka              
Shat see Seda              
Shchedrin Belarus Congregation Anshe Shchedrin Konstitushon 1923 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 29 no. 6 **P 01-115
Shedlovtza see Szydlowiec              
Shendeshov see Sedziszow              
Shidlovtza see Szydlowiec              
Shnyadovo see Sniadowo              
Shumiachi Russia Jewish National Workers Alliance. Schumiacher-Odesser Branch 123 Souvenir journal 1938 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 13 no. 3  
Shverzna see Stoubtsy              
Skalat Ukraine Skalater Kranken Untershtitsungs Ferayn Konstitutsyon 1892 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 25 no. 3 **P 01-68
Skvyra Ukraine Independent Skwerer Sick and Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1906 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 25 no. 6 **P 01-65
Slutsk Belarus Slutzker Progressive Young Men's Benevolent Association Konstitutsye 1933 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 31 no. 3 **P 01-105
Smorgon Belarus United Smorgoner Relief Smorgon 1937 Yiddish *PYP (United Smorgoner. 1937) *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 1 no. 11
Sniadowo Poland Hevrah Midrash Anshe Shnyadove Hevrah Midrash Anshe Shnyadove 1897 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 29 no. 1 **P 01-111
Soroca Moldova Soroker Young Friends Benevolent and Educational League Dinner and dance 1935 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 10  
Soroki see Soroca              
Starokosti︠a︡ntyniv Ukraine Workmen's Circle (U.S.). Old Constantiner Branch 333. Soṿenir zshurnal : 25 yehriger yubileum. 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYO+ n.c. 2 no. 6  
Stoubtsy Belarus Schwerzner Benevolent Association Banquet and dance 1936 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 11 no. 10  
Strelisk see Novyye Strelishcha              
Sukhostav Ukraine First Sukhostaver Benevolent Association Ershte Sekhistover Kranken … Ferayn 1925 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 32 no. 1 **P 01-134
Szydlowiec Poland Shedlowtzer Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1909 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 28 no. 5 **P 01-120
Szydlowiec Poland Shedlowtzer Benevolent Association Twentieth anniversary banquet 1929 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 2 no. 7  
Szydlowiec Poland Shedlowtzer Benevolent Association Twenty-fifth anniversary 1934 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 5 no. 2  
Talne Ukraine Talner Benevolent Society Miting kalendar 1931 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 28 no. 8 **P 01-122
Telekhany see Lahishyn              
Teplik Ukraine First Tepliker Benevolent Cong. Society Twenty-fifth anniversary 1937 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 13 no. 4  
Tlusta see Tovste              
Tolstoye see Tovste              
Tovste Ukraine First Tluster Brothers Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1899 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 30 no. 2 **P 01-108
Tshizev Poland Independent Tshizever Benevolent Association Konstitutsyon 1901 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 4 no. 6  
Ukmerge Lithuania Willkemira Young Men's Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1889 Yiddish *PYP (Willkemira. 1889)  
Ushachi Belarus Ushatzer Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1936 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 28 no. 7 **P 01-121
Ushatz see Ushachi              
Vaukavysk Belarus Volkovisker Young Men's Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1920 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 33 no. 4 **P 01-102
Vaukavysk Belarus Volkovisker Young Men's Benevolent Association Souvenir journal 1927 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 14 no. 3  
Velizh Russia Velizer Progressive Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1932 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 26 no. 6 **P 01-85
Vidzy Belarus Ezras achim anshe Widze Konstitushon 1938 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 24 no. 3 **P 01-76
Vilkomir see Ukmerge              
Vinnitsa see Vinnytsia              
Vinnytsia Ukraine United Winnitzer Young Men's Benevolent Assn. Twentieth anniversary 1935 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 10 no. 2  
Vishkov see Wyszkow              
Visoke Litovsk see Vysokoye              
Visoke Mazovyetsk see Wysokie Mazowieckie              
Voronovo Belarus Voronover Young Men's Benevolent Association Souvenir journal 1928 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 8 no. 9  
Vysokoye Belarus Wisoko-Litowsker Brud. Unt. V. Souvenir journal 1937 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 7 no. 7  
Warsaw Poland Warshauer Sick Benevolent Society of Brooklyn Gezetts-bukh 1897 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 3 no. 5  
Warsaw Poland Warschauer Kranken Unterstutzungs Verein  Konstitutsyon 1900 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 2 no. 2  
Winnitsa see Vinnytsia              
Wisoko Litowsk see Vysokoye              
Wysokie Mazowieckie Poland Wisoko-Mazovietzk Young Friend's Benevolent Society Konstitutsye 1931 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 28 no. 4 **P 01-119
Wyszkow Poland Wishkover Benevolent Society Landsman 1936 Yiddish *PYP (Wishkover. 1936)  
Yarmolintsy Ukraine Jarmolinitzer Benevolent Society Konstitushon 1933 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 21 no. 5 **P 01-90
Yaruga Ukraine Progressive Society of Yaruga Souvenir journal 1937 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 2 no. 5  
Yezyerzany see Ozeryany              
Yuzefov Ardinatzki seeJozefow              
Zabludow Poland Zabludower Kranken Unterstutzungs Verein Zabludover pinkes 1925 Yiddish *ZP-*PY p.v. 12 no. 3  
Zager [Zagare] Lithuania Sagerer Unterstutzungs Verein Konstitushion 1894 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 4 no. 8  
Zalozitz [Zalozhtsy] Ukraine Erste Zalozitzer Kranken Unterstuetzungs Verein Konstitutsyon 1898 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 2 no. 1  
Zareby Koscielne Poland Zaromber Progressive Young Friends Benevolent Association Silver jubilee 1938 English, Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 7 no. 6  
Zareby Koscielne Poland United Zaromber Relief Committee Souvenir journal 1939 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 18 no. 4  
Zaromb see Zareby Koscielne              
Zashkov Ukraine Zashkover Ladies Auxiliary 13th anniversary 1936 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 11 no. 2  
Zawichost  Poland First Zawyichoster Young Men's Benevolent Association Konstitutsyon 1936 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 24 no. 1 **P 01-74
Zbaraz [Zbarazh] Ukraine First Zbarozer Relief Society Konstitutsyon 1905 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP p.v. 2 no. 7  
Zhlobin Belarus Zshlabiner Benevolent Association Konstitushon 1924 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 33 no. 3 **P 01-101
Zhovkva see Zolkiew              
Zloczow see Zolochiv              
Zolkiew Poland Hevrah Tevu'ot Shor Anshe Zolkiev Konstitutsyon 1894 Yiddish *ZP-*PYP n.c. 35 no. 4 **P 01-96
Zolkiew Poland First Zolkiewer Ladies Sick Benevolent Society Tenth anniversary ball 1931 Yiddish, English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 9 no. 4  
Zolochiv Ukraine Zloczower Relief Verband Twentieth anniversary 1935 English *ZP-*PYP n.c. 13 no. 11  
Zshlabin see Zhlobin              


Landsmanshaftn Records

The following resources are helpful for finding information about landsmanshaftn, as well as their organizational records.


Burial Records

Organizational Records

Books with Landsmanshaftn Information