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Yiddish Research: Translation Resources

Yiddish research guide covering general resources, article and books, folklore, genealogy, linguistics, literature, music and dance, oral history, theater, film, radio, translation and student resources.

NYPL Translation Statement

Yiddish Translation

The New York Public Library does not provide translation services. Library staff can help you by searching the index or table of contents of a book for you, but not by translating passages. If you need to hire a professional Yiddish translator, consider the following characteristics:


  • Facility with written as well as spoken language
  • Experience with historical and/or current documents
  • Ability to decipher handwritten documents (if applicable)
  • Familiarity with different dialects of Yiddish
  • Educational and linguistic background in Yiddish and other languages
  • Professional qualifications - certificates, testimonials, scholarly affiliations
  • Cultural sensitivity and familiarity with subject area(s)
  • Proven record of successful past projects; client testimonials


Translation Resources